Bloody Hands, Ukraine, Russia, USA

By Charles E. Carlson

We Americans, like unknown thousand of those fighting for Ukraine’s independence, are being talked into a battle in which we have nothing to win. Staggering costs and unnecessary deaths are unavoidable in a war that will be without a winner.

Let’s compare our role in Ukraine to that of two 8th-grade boys in a schoolyard. One is 20 pounds heavier and stronger. This battle is still at the loud and aggressive talking stage.  A teacher comes out to solve the problem, supposedly “before anyone gets hurt.” How does this peacemaker prevent injury? He gives the smaller boy a baseball bat, and says “now you’re even, make peace.” What is likely? Someone will get hurt as soon as the teacher is out of sight, and it may still be the little boy with the bat.

In the Ukraine conflict, Russia is much the bigger boy. The US is trying every trick of publicity to discredit Russia. There may not be a peaceful solution. But arming Ukraine possibly with nuclear or chemical weapons, at US taxpayer expense, is not the answer. We have yet to count out the possibility that certain leaders want a full-fledged war against Russia to solve other problems I will touch upon later. It is not my purpose, nor skill to explain how the two parties should settle this problem, but giving unlimited weapons to one (or even to both) is not a formula for peace. It only ensures a more hate-filled, disastrous conflict. But there is another deadly result.

Arms delivery from the US has raised the confidence of Ukrainian citizens with unpublicized results. Disaster is simmering because Ukrainian politicians now find it easier to recruit civilians to do battle against the much more powerful Russians. The US superpower has convinced them that they can and will win, so many, who have stayed out will now join. And how many will die? The tactical result can only be similar to the smaller boy with baseball bats analogy. He looks tough but is he? It can only result in a protracted Civil War that may never come to a peaceful end. It will be much easier for Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to convince young Ukrainian patriots to “join in and win.” They will become victims. Ukraine’s president is a former nightclub entertainer turns politician. It shows. Ukraine, like the little guy in a schoolyard fight, needs to negotiate a tenable, peaceful settlement with Russia. Instead, he fakes power. Russia is attacking Ukraine cities with a high death toll.

It is not my business to predict whether Russia is willing to settle, but President Zelenskyy will not settle and is probably safely hidden out, and the destruction of the people on both sides appears to be the most likely result. We note that there are reasonable-sounding arguments on both sides. It’s not our purpose to unwind these, but we do point out that the Ukrainians have been a part of Russia several times for hundreds of years of their common history. Ukraine’s recent independence came about in about after 1993 when Russia was in revolt against Communist (Bolshevik) rule.

US taxpayer dollars and the death of an uncountable number will result from a war in which the US has no business. Already some $50-60 billion US taxpayer dollars have been provided to Ukraine with no hope for recovery or repayment. Is it less than obvious to every reader that war is a game paid for with US dollars, printed by the trillions in 2022? The Federal Reserve (FED) is printing and spending as never before. Its borrowing from citizens is pushing up interest rates and the cost of almost everything we buy.

War is and always has been the FED and other warmakers’ last resort out of a money crisis. Contrived participation in another nation’s war, appears to be its plan. Our President and his behind-the-scenes advisor offer war as the insane answer to recession and dollar collapse at home. They could not care less about the lives of Russians and Ukraine or the war’s outcome. The Russian-Ukrainian war is another way to stimulate the US economy by printing more American dollars to keep the US economy afloat through wasteful war spending. This is the real reason the US is involved in Russians vs Ukraine.

Author Charles Carlson’s prayer is that our churches, from Catholic to Baptist, will consider what God tells us about a war for power.  “Though Shall Not Kill”–(Not even for money.)

Post Script: From Fox News columnist, Tucker Carlson (not related to this writer): “How would you feel about being a party to the starving literally millions of Ukraine and Russian children, in addition to killing their parents? Please do not look the other way, Silence is Complicity!”