It s hard to believe that Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends will complete 5 years of peaceful, persistent and dedicated protest at the temple gates of Beth Israel Congregation next week, almost as long as the War for Israel rages in the cities of Iraq, with crosshairs now regrettably aimed at Iran.

Time once again to remind faithful readers that the origin of the vigils occurred only after access was denied to those of us who ve witnessed the atrocities committed by the Jewish state, and merely wanted to relate our experiences to the Jewish community. Denied by the Orthodox, Conservative and Reform synagogues in Ann Arbor, as well as by the Jewish Community Center.

Certainly our goals have morphed over the intervening years, fueled by the continued intransigence of the Jewish community. Though a few vigillers still wish to bring our messages of peace to the congregants attending service, many others now appeal to the general public driving by to become more educated about Zionist colonization of Palestine, and to act by asking our own government to stop funding this race-based genocide. And though we don t hold the local Jewish community responsible for Israel s atrocities, we certainly hold them accountable for the financial, political and “spiritual” support they do provide.

Henry Herskovitz Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends