PHARISEE WATCH: Terrorism or Intelligent Bombs


The question that determines right of the Palestinian population to live or die is called “terrorism.”  We Hold This Truth has decided to examine this question.  Most Americans have already determined the good guys to be Israel and bad guys to be Palestinians.  Most of the rest of the world sees it the other way around.  According to recent polls, Americans’ decisions are largely based on a media provided perception of this word “terrorism.”  The majority of Americans have bought the label “terrorist state” based on the singular acts of fifty-seven individual Palestinian bombers, not one of whom is know to them by name. 


The result of these acts, are know to us only by military press releases by Ariel Sharon’s government.  We think it is time to examine the act of sides, the Israeli smart bombs and the Palestinian human bombs.


The controlled media in Israel and the USA always calls the human bombers “terrorist.”  The reason for this is the presumption that they set out to kill “innocent civilians.”  But what if, in fact, the human bombs set out to destroy a military target and do so?   Who then did the fifty-seven youth who bombed bus stations, discos, busses and restaurants attack, civilians or military?  

I thank Mr. Eyad R El Sarraj, Chairman of the Gaza Community Mental Health Program, who opened our eyes to the issue on March 8, 2002 with an interview in his office in Gaza City.


The Suicide Bomb Hoax


The station at Ashqelon where I boarded the noon bus for Jerusalem was, like every one of the dozen or more stations I had seen in my tour.  It would have been nearly empty were it not for military. Tourism was at a halt Those in uniform were about equally divided between the sexes, in their early twenties or less, wearing the kaki colors of the Israeli Defense Forces, most carrying short, banana clipped carbines slung, barrel down, from the shoulder.  Several other military age persons with short haircuts were present not in uniform.  In Israel the busses are owned by the government, each is a military transport dropping the armed forces off at bus stops along the way, where jeeps and trucks sometimes wait.  The communication system appears to be the cell phone, which everyone seems to have.  Though I had been through the stand in line and squeezed exercise several times before this was the first time it occurred to me that I was about to board a military target.


I had just left Gaza, and the memory was fresh in my mind that only that week two human bombs had been detonated among the Israeli’s, though neither one was on a bus.  I could not help but look over the crowd for Arabic looking men. There were no apparent Arabs civilian waiting around me, while quite a number of Israelis are Arabs from Morocco and elsewhere in the Middle East, all who looked Arabic were talking to someone, which cleared them, for body bombers must obviously act alone.


A young girl caught my eye for it was fresh in my mind that several of the human bombers had been females.  She did not act or look quite likes the crowd.  She was alone, she had a large handbag, which she did not stow, her dress was modestly in loose clothes, she was not mixing with anyone and she appeared preoccupied.  Her face could have been Arabic… my imagination began to run wild, the more I looked at her the more she reminded me of the faces of the women in Gaza with the silk shawl under their chin, could she be a human bomb? I am clearly surrounded by a military target, what a hit this bus would be.  I thought of the irony of it, here I am in Palestine to find out about their plight; what if I am bombed by one of their women?  I can see the American headlines, “AMERICAN JOURNALIST TARGETED BY PALESTINIAN TERROIST, BUS LOAD OF INNOCENT CIVILLIANS INJURED ON ROUTE TO JERUSALEM”.  Just then the girl whipped out her cell phone and began talking in Hebrew.  


The moment passed, and so did the bus ride, it was not bombed.  But the lesson was not lost; anyone who boards an Israeli bus is taking a military position just as if you hitchhiked through town in one of its jeeps. This of course answers the question that had plagued me, why busses are bombed so often.  Now I knew why, because every bus is full of armed Israelis.  This was true of every one of the five busses I rode in Israel, I had just not thought of it as a target before.  Not one I rode on was less then 25% military occupied.   One bus I rode, from Elate to Tel Aviv on March 5th, had had the entire isle full of standing military during the last miles of the trip, well in excess of 50.


The American and Israeli press has conditioned the public to the idea that the so called “suicide bombers” are in fact “terrorists.”  Note the term “suicide bombers” suggest the objective of the bomber is to kill himself.  This seems to be a distortion, for there are easier way to kill oneself if that was the objective.  This implies the irrational and not the logical.  While we may not think it logical to strap a pipe bomb around our belly and detonate close to an enemy, we are not in the Palestinian’s state.  The old song, “Walk a Mile In My Shoes’ speaks loads when judging the other guy’s motives.  Any sensible observer should join me in concluding that 57 body bombers can not be wrong…their motive had to be to kill enemy, not themselves.  Every Palestinian I met, including women and children recognized the Israeli Military, not the workers, as the enemy.  For this reason I have chosen to call the body bombers “intelligent bombs” as opposed to the American made  “smart bombs” used by Israel. 


Most American seems to have accepted the idea that the intelligent bombs are terrorist.  What makes them terrorists is the presumption that bombers deliberately target non –military “innocent civilians.”   Everyone seems to agree it is ok to kill civilians so long as they are not the targets.  In every Israeli operation those killed are primarily civilians because Palestine has no organized army in the generally understood sense of the word.  And in Palestine, the women do not server in paramilitary and police forces… except it seem as intelligent bomb volunteers, of which I believe there have been seven or eight.  So then Palestinian women are killed they are “collateral damage.”  Conversely, every young Israeli woman must serve, I am told, and so all service age women are suspected military either in or out of uniform, with or without a rifle.


The fact that the human bomb cannot expect to survive a successful attack has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the mission he or she is on.  Nor are the religious ethics of those who choose an impossible mission a factor in the legitimacy of the mission itself.  In America, it seem suicide is legal and assisted suicide is legal in at least one state.   No American can judge a Palestinian based on his own concept of criminalizing suicide.   As a talk show host recently asked, what is the difference between a suicide mission and a very dangerous, volunteers only mission, such as many Americans undertook in WWII and Korea, and the American Revolution?  It is only a mater of degree and perception. How about Joan of Arc and the early Christian Martyrs who would not recant before the lions?


Less there be doubt, this writer support the Palestinian cause without apology.  I do not condemn suicide bomber though I can cry for them because it pains me that it is my America that has deprived them of hope.  Later I will share later what I learned in Gaza about their psychosocial motivation.  If body bombs are immoral then what about smart bombs that misses all the time and kill civilians?  I watched and photographed a 42 missile American, “smart bomb” raid that killed four and wounded 30 Palestinians, all civilian “collateral damage.”  The question is not how the bomb is delivered but what is the intended target. 


The Israelis shrug and say they were aiming at government buildings and people got in the way.  Why do we always hear that every attack by a Palestinian human bomb is against the innocent population?  Why do we hear the Israeli smart bomb attacks, as used in Jenin by the hundreds are “intended” only for military but usually hit civilians?    It is because the Israelis pit bull and its American handler are the ones who issue the reports.  These Israeli friendly attacks always paint Israel’s intent to be military even when snipers kill four-year-old children who slips out of his mothers grasp.  Israel is always said to be the respondent supposedly in retaliation for “terrorism” even when civilian are slaughtered, as we will learn in Jenin.  The total and only excuse given by the Israeli Pit Bull (apologies to Pit bull owners) for the destruction of entire communities and the murder and mass burial of untold numbers, as in Jenin, is the claim that 57 body bomb-carrying youths were “terrorist” aiming through their lives away on target civilians. This is Israel’s only excuse for Jenin, Rahamalla, and all the rest. 


This propaganda falls on its face for lack no logical.  Why would any Intelligent Bomb waste his life killing a old lady when a bus load of solders and armed soldier girls on their way to Jenin or Ramallah to kill Palestinians, are targets at every bus stop?  I suspect it can and will be proven that the Israeli death reports simply omit mention of persons who happen to be in the Defense Forces or other paramilitary.  I believe time will prove what logic indicates the entire “terrorism” propaganda scheme is a giant Israeli/American lie.


The utmost objective in my trip to Gaza was to answer this one question, why do body bombers do it and do they pick on civilian targets?  If so do they do this because it is impossible to get at the military?  The answers I discovers is no and no.  No, bombers do not purposely set out to harm children even thought Israelis have target over 400 school age juveniles for rifle practice, and this number is only those killed, not the wounded.  And no, it is not hard to find Israeli military to strike against if one can get into Israel, the soft underbelly of the military is its huge and unmanageable numbers, they are everywhere and anywhere, and are usually are idle.  The military is Israeli are sitting ducks.  That is why bussed are bombed, they are high concentration military targets, and the chances of hitting civilians is less then 50% on every bus.


In 18 months since that start of Intifada II uprising there have been 57 human bombings. Counting the one at the bus stop at the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem on April 12th, and a bus bombing in Haifa on April 10th.  But Israel has tortured to death over twice that many persons in clearly documented cases.  Israelis have killed about 1100 civilians before the Jenin massacre.   In the same period of time it tens of thousands of civilians Palestinians, many children have been wounded and crippled for life.  Many are children shot by snipers, some four years old or less, hardly military targets.  We are supposed to believe this is not “terrorism.”   And we are to believe that every body bombers is an irrational sub-human being who cleverly manages to singles out “innocent civilians” and never hits at military targets.  In this initial story we will not attempt to deal with every one of the 57 intelligent bombs.  Instead we will consecrate on bus bombings they are obvious and undeniable.  One could hardly blow up a bus or bus stop in Israel without hitting military personnel, and an intelligent bomb know what an Israeli military person looks like.


Since Intifada One began some 10 years ago I have been hearing about bus bombings of “innocent civilians,” always mentioned in the same breath.  I always wondered why the bombers chose busses, and I assumed the report of civilian casualties were true.  No now I know there could not be more logical target from the body bomber’s point of view.   The Jerusalem bus stop bombing report is of particular interest.  A young woman, presumably Arab, detonated a bomb in a crowd of Israelis “civilians” at a bus stop.  A bystanders report stated she first tried to enter the market, but was turned away and went directly to the bus stop, like any intelligent bomb she had an alternate target.  Six “people” were killed and 70 wounded according to the official Israeli report, but the report made no mention of the loss of military nor did it mention the sex or rank, thus we would assume they were all civiallians.   But Jerusalem was known to be teaming with millitry on the very day Colin Powell came there.


But would it not be logical that the human bomb would detonate himself or herself next the enemy?  After all, it is the Military who files the F-16 and Apaches and drive the Abram tanks.  Every Palestinian knows this.  If someone hates enough to sacrifice life itself, why not take the enemy along? 


The facts are clear to anyone who has ridden a bus.  Israel is an armed camp with over 200,000 active patrolling army types in uniform with guns.  All these people swarm over a small part of a very small country.  In addition there are the 400,00 reservist who perform some active duty annually, and many of these have been called up.  How do they travel about, they travel on a public bus system owned by the State.  Simply stated, one out of every nine Israeli’s is a military enemy of every Palestinian.  There are enough soldiers and female solders to station five Defense Force members on every square mile of space in Israel and Palestine, and in fact most are concentrated around the tiny West Bank and Gaza where Palestinians try to live.  Furthermore Israeli military can be readily recognized by age even when they are out of uniform, which appears to be a lot of the time.  They are in bars (which are also everywhere) and restaurants while off duty.  Why, because all boys and girls have to serve!  Anyone over high school age to early gray hair will probably be either an active duty or reserve member of the killing team for the state of Israel. 


I made a point to follow the military, and I did not visit a single bus or public business establishment where food, liquor, music or any kind of entertainment was offered where there were not military as customers.  The military is everywhere, McDonalds Hamburgers swarming with uniformed men and girls during daylight hours.   And at night the bars and restaurants who have any business cater to them while off duty in civilian cloths. 


I had a dinner talk with Gregor, a Russian poolroom owner in a strip shopping center in seaside Ashqelon near the run down hotel where I spent one night. There were no less than four bar restaurants in his, most of them empty, but Gregory’s business was “OK,” but not for tourists, he said, I was the only one.  Most of his 21 pool tables were busy on that Monday night, and all with peachy faced youths.  “Do you get much military business?” I asked. “Sure, all of them,” he said with a wave of an arm, “they are the only ones with money and time.”  Not one was in uniform.  Another military target, I thought as walked back thought a dinghy alley.  A bomber could have blasted the place and hit nothing but military except for Gregor, the waitresses and me.  I could see the report from Sharon’s PR staff, ” Suicide terrorist targets white haired American tourist and innocent Israeli teenagers in Ashqelon recreation establishment bombing.”


There is no public place a bomber could go in Israel that is not a military zone, except maybe a church.  The fact that these boys and girls are out of uniform does not make them non-combatants.  I saw the fear, and even felt it myself as I rode about the county in public busses that were in fact military transports.  I had to resolve myself to the remote statistical possibility that I might become “collateral damage.”  No wonder there is no tourism in Israel, and no wonder 300,000 of its citizens are now have taken residence in New York City, deserting the sinking ship of the homeland that never was.  It is scarier to live in Israel than in Gaza.


It is obvious why intelligent bombers pick buses and bus stops; they are concentrate military targets.  Any intelligent bomber would know this.  I had long wondered why so many busses were reported as targets of bombings.  Now I know, it is to get back at the despised Defense Forces where they are vulnerable to attack.  A significant percentage if not the majority of bombing incident have occurring in busses or at bus stops.


How can an intelligent bomber miss, they need only go where young people congregate.  The answer is they probably miss a military target only when the bomb does not work, or when they are forced to detonate before the target can be reached.  We cannot know for sure because the bomber is never alive to tell the story.  The reason these Israelis are not bombed more is that the Palestinians are confided to the Gulag.  To deliver a blow they must first escape from the prison where they live first, and do this while carrying a bomb, no small trick when surrounded by at least 200,000 Defense Forces and over flown by countless US planes and choppers. 


Why then, we must ask, are no (or so few) military persons ever reported among the killed and injured?   One obvious answer is the Israelis make all the reports; the Palestinian intelligent bomb is dead, and any live Palestinian in the area will no doubt get away as fast as possible to avoid being blamed.   Clearly it is in Israel’s best interest to paint every attack as a “terrorist.”  How easy it is to overlook the mention of the deaths and injury to military when there is no press is present, and the American press will never look.  And be sure the first people on the scene are the military survivors of the attack…they are on the bus.  It is now apparently why I have never seen a report listing names of victims of any bombing, it would have to identify military!  Ask yourself, have you seen such a report?  The April 12th Jerusalem bus stop bombing again supports this as a strong probability, for the press reported complaint that when they came upon the scene the dead and injured were completely covered with white sheets.  Obviously combatants cannot be identified.  How easy to mislead Americans by referring the “victims” by sex while ignoring rank, for American readers do not know that about 50% of the active duty military in Israel are women, and that all women must serve, carry rifles and ride in busses with the men.  So if a report states something to the effect that “five men and four women were killed on a bus attack” an American reader would likely concluded all were civilians simply because nothing is said to the contrary.  The report has only to use the word “terrorist” to seal the matter in the mind of the well-conditioned American reader, fooled again!


The obvious answer is the Israelis are the ones who make the damage report after the bombings.  And the Israeli press and its American Zionist media make the announcements.  For American, misled by their Christian leaders, all it takes is a few doctored reports are all it takes to make Israel the good guy fighting the evils of “terrorism” 


Except for the local report in Haifa, where someone was on the seen and counted uniforms, the only time I can recall a count of dead military from a Intelligent Bombing is when it was at checkpoint were only military are present, then the victims could be called civilian without invoking questions.  But checkpoints I saw and heard bout are so barricaded one could not get a tank close to military person.  The Palestinians still occasionally penetrate one, but it is rare. 


On March 7th a 60-ton tanks was destroyed and most of the crew killed with a homemade bomb.  The bomb did not have a scientific detonator but was a pit full of explosive with a hand detonated fuse manned by a volunteer, who waited until the tank drove over the bomb and detonated via a wire.  No doubt the Israelis would want to US to declare David’s slingshot to be an “terrorist weapon” if a Palestinian boy had one.


This author prefers the term “intelligent Bombs” to suicide bomber because, while the bomb may well be detonated by accident or may fail, the bombers knows exactly what he or she wants to target.   A determined human is far more discriminating and adaptable than any “smart bomb” launched from the safety of an F-16 or Apache against the homes of Palestinians.  Ask yourself, could any computer have programmed a robot to steal four airplanes and bomb the Pentagon and two towers in New York all at the same time?  But intelligent bombs could do this, which is why the yield by intelligent bombs exceeds smart bombs


Palestinians say they become intelligent bombs because they have no other way of inflicting damage on the Pit Bull who malls and terrifies them daily.  On 57 occasions a single warrior, some young woman, have deliver a few pounds of homemade explosive to a meeting place of an enemy military.  All the suicide bombings in Israel have probably not explode as much killing power as in one single Apache Helicopter can deliver in one mission or is in a single F-16, 500 pound guided “smart” missile.  I personally witnessed raids by both.  They are terrifying from 1.5 miles away.  Palestinians carry out intelligent bombings because they have no other way of inflicting damage on the Israeli military that malls and terrifies them daily. 


Yet we are told that every “suicide” bomber targets innocent victims?   But why would anyone give their life to bomb for instance, me, or some other non combatant who they are not sure is against them, when military are everywhere?   The answer is the civilians are “collateral damage” the targets must be military.


In his press statement earlier this month Binyamin Netanyahu, the former Prime Minister of Israel, while answering Bush’s weak and flimsy request to stop the killing, stated Israeli would not leave because it need more time to find and disarm those who practices the reprehensible act of “suicide bombings” against innocently civilians.  Only is Israel are intelligent bombing of military targets an excuse for genocide.


It is sad when A child is so desperate that at the age of 16 or 17 he (or she) decides he has not future and wants to make such a sacrifice to inflict a blow against such a awful enemy.  But I am not opposed to anyone who wants to do that, and I refuse to judge him or her.  James Russell Lowell, and American civil war poet wrote of another war:


“How can man die better

When facing fearful odds,

But for the ashes of his fathers

And the temples of his Gods.


It is clear that the odds are very fearful for the suicide bomber.  But there are a few things Benjamin Netanyahu did not tell you about those 57 brave young Palestinians who chose that route.  He lied when he said they bomb innocent civilians.  That is what Israeli’s do.  But all human bombs are certain to be intended for Israeli Military targets.  Every bus, restaurant, bar, or theater is a military target.  Each wedding, Passover celebrations, Bar mitzvah is probably a military target with active military present. 


In the recent report of the Passover bombing the press stressed the horror of attacking a religious celebration, but brief reports also pointedly mentioned that several young adults had been killed.   

Israel simply lies about who is killed, who knows who is militia and who is not. My guess is that only those killed in uniform are called “military,” but how many at the celebrations Netanyahu complained about were our out of uniform regulars and reservist, but we will never know.


The 57 intelligent bombers were not cowards.  They are also not “homicide bombers” as President George W. Bush calls them.  They have understood the odds, and have brought Israel’s economy to its dirty knees.  They have also brought retribution the planned genocide against an entire population of their parents, a terrible thing, but in so doing they have exposed to the world the nature of the pit bull, and the terrible and diabolical wrath of its handler, the US Government.  They have done every one of us a favor we cannot repay.  I for one salute the brave Human Bombs.  The Palestinians may be killed in mass, but Israel cannot survive what it is doing.  Israel, not the intelligent bombers, is committing national suicide.  Israel is about to make for itself a holocaust that will far exceed the one it claims as a national heritage.


For a true understand the American Government’s planned genocide against the Arab people, painful as it may be, we suggest you see The US Warmaker’s Undeclared Attack on Islam (  )


*Footnote:  Is there a medical reason some children in Palestine grow up to be human bombs?  On March 8th his author asked Mr. Eyad R. El Sarraj, Chairman of Gaza Community Mental Health Programme.  Mr. Sarraj stated that 100% of the children who have gown up to become human bombs have been traumatized in their youth by watching their own father being humiliated before the family, beaten, imprisoned or tortured.  He went on to state that the children of Palestine are being traumatized.  Full story from this author’s  Life In The Gaza Strip Gulag”


One symptom Mr. Sarraj talked of is an epidemic of bedwetting, a classic sign of fear and insecurity.  He explained how this leads to suicidal activities, including suicide bombings.  How can a child be safe when he knows others are being killed nightly in their beds?  Who would not wet their bed dreaming of smart bombs?  Shame on you, America, your name is on every bomb.

 (The boy, about to be beaten wets his jeans)