If Israel is the only true US ally in the Middle East why would Israeli forces deliberately attack the USS Liberty surveillance ship sitting in international waters during the 1967 “Six-Day War”? And, why would President Lyndon Johnson order the cover-up of the attack that killed 34 and wounded 172 of the 294-man complement? Craig Hanson of We Hold These Truths delves into the little-known history that has been so successfully hidden for over 50 years.

References: “Sacrificing Liberty trailer (2020); TruNews – “Q & A with the USS Liberty survivors” (2020); TruNews – “USS Liberty Survivors detail horrors of attack and theft of America” (2020); USS Liberty Veterans Association – “Claims, Facts & Comments” (2020); BBC – “The USS Liberty Incident: Dead in the Water” (2002);  Al Jazeera – “The Day Israel Attacked America” (2014); “Attack on the USS Liberty: Eye Witness Testimony by Don Pageler” (2013).