Report on Beth Israel vigil 12-20-08Saturday, December 27, 2008 6:35 AM
From: “Henry Herskovitz” View contact details To: undisclosed-recipientsMessage contains attachmentsobamaandthejews.gif (91KB)Tzipi Livni Asks How Will Jews Be Remembered
Vigil Supporter R finds it “unbelievable” that Tzipi Livni, the Jewish State s acting Prime Minister, actually said: “And among other things, I will also be able to approach the Palestinian residents of Israel, those whom we call Israeli Arabs, and tell them, your national solution lies elsewhere. “. R was politely informed that with Jewish notables like Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, saying “One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail” [while lionizing the murderer Goldstein], it no longer is proper to refer to such racist comments as uttered by Tzipi as unbelievable; rather it s embarrassingly all too believable.
But maybe what R was calling attention to was the deafening sound of silence from the organized Jewish community, when one of its own is caught red-handed uttering what would not be acceptable were the tables reversed: e.g. what if Harry Truman, upon recognizing Israel in 1948, said “but now you Jews in America … your national solution lies elsewhere”. [source:]
OK, so Tzipi didn t really ask the question of how Jews will be remembered, but doesn t it make one wonder where lies the storm of protest within the Jewish community, and how this silence will play out in history books? Has there been open discussions of the racism inherent in her comments from Rabbis, media pundits, Jewish community leaders? Has there been even admittance that what she said is openly, blatantly racist? Just what is the responsibility of a community of a chosen, ethical, morally superior people when a fellow tribesman steps out of line? Or is the collective silence a sign that what Tzipi said was par for the course, in-line and acceptable?
Further, and more troubling, is this: how long will people continue to believe that anti-Semitism occurs in a vacuum? That it has no source other than a blind, irrational hatred – out of the blue – for the Jewish people? Are we tempting the words of George Satayana [“Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it”]?
Who Controls Hollywood?
California’s Bay Area is replete with bus stop signs, billboards, and newspaper ads proclaiming yet another holocaust movie, this one starring Tom Cruise called Valkyrie. Once again, the gentile world is reminded – warned actually – that if you criticize Israel, you will be blamed for events occurring over 70 years ago [ref: The Ecumenical Deal by Marc Ellis]. And in the midst of wondering who’s behind this inundation of guilt and obfuscation, we find in the Los Angeles Times a Jewish columnist who answers our question: Jews control Hollywood, or in Joel Stein’s own words: “As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment, Yes we control Hollywood. Without us, you’d be be flipping between ‘The 700 Club’ and ‘Davey and Goliath’ on TV all day.” Click here for article.
A Row at the Jewish Federation Protest
This report second hand, since this writer again tended to family medical issues which are now proceeding in a positive direction… Thirteen stalwart individuals braved some fairly cold temperatures to hold accountable the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor on Thursday, December 11th, by displaying signs outside the Marriott Hotel in Ypsilanti, Michigan. A few signs brought attention to the possibility that Joyce and Steve Gerber – who were honored at the Big Event for their charitable and volunteering efforts – might well be criticized for their efforts to illegally populate Israel’s settlements with Russian immigrants. This seemingly straightforward sign brought two well dressed gentleman from the fund raiser out to the streets to threaten sign holders with – you guessed it – a lawsuit, if they didn’t put away the signs. A favorite weapon of a disturbed Jewish community, the lawsuit was brandished but as of this writing, no action has been taken; it was reported that the signs were not removed. Soon, members of Jewish Witnesses for Peace and Friends will be able to view the video of this short-lived confrontation.
Obama and the Jews
The say a picture is worth a thousand words, and the following thousand should be required reading for all those who thought that Mr. Obama would bring the slightest “change” to the status quo for Palestinians, other than more grass for them to eat, and bread made from animal feed.