PHARISEE WATCH: Your letters about Time to Walk Out



It May be Time to Walk Out of the Church has received many comments and words of encouragement.  Hopefully, we can set up a “blog” where all decent answers can be posted.  The first requirement will be the need of a volunteer to Webmaster it.  These few that follow and some others of the nicest and worst will be posted on PHARISEE WATCH:



?I awoke this morning to the most melodious sound:  the muezzin of the nearby mosque was calling the dawn prayer.  His lilting voice made it seem the whole universe was inviting one to bask in its balance.  Whenever I return to the US from an Arab country, I miss the call to prayer, although Islam is not my religion.  I hope the residents of Hamtramck, Mich., will consider welcoming their neighbors’ practice of their faith.  Residents might take note that “Allah” is the name of God in the Arabic version of the Bible; hence, if you are Christian or Jewish, Allah is your God.  In Arab countries, church bells and the muezzin’s calls are harmonious neighbors — what a beautiful example to follow.?



I’m not certain what kind of projects you have. If you let me know I can pass it on to the small group of us who are working around the issue of Palestine.  I read with interest the comments

you received about the Pat Tillman commentary.  I was glad to read that the response to the pandering Nancy Pelosi is coming from other parts of the country. Unfortunately, this woman has been bought and paid for by the lobby. Last year I spoke with one of her aides about the great injustices being done to the Palestinians and of the need for a peace with justice and an end to the now 38 year brutal occupation.  I told the aide that I had a lot of material that I could send and she encouraged me to do so.  So off went a large package of articles, most from the Israeli press and Israeli peace organizations.  I have no idea whether or not she saw any of these articles or if she even cares in spite of her prating about “human rights.”  At any rate, Nancy Pelosi is a major fund raiser for the Democratic Party and she knows where her bread is buttered.  I only wish that she could have good and credible opposition in the primaries but there is not much hope for that.

Best wishes,




As someone whose “religious” tendencies lean more toward Gnostic than any of the established cults of “modern” religion, I must say that your website has restored some of my faith in the Disciples of Christ.  Zionist Christians not only betray the gospels of Christ but they also bear a striking resemblance to radical Islamists in their attitude and deeds.  The smug and noxious ignorance of self-righteous religious certitude has allowed our world to slip into divided chaos.


The idea of the criminal Bush regime to utilize the phobic bigotry and intellectual myopia of Evangelical terrorists to advance their imperial aims is disingenuous at best.  How can these impostors lay claim as ?Christians? whilst they act like the very Archons who would deceive humanity into bringing about our own demise.


The serial wars that America has undertaken are purely for the advancement of global American corporations.  American troops are torturing and murdering people in the Middle East so mindless

American over-consumption may continue unabated.


The Babylonian and Sumerian morality tales that were re-written by the Pharisees and

presented as ?the word of god? in the frequently and godlessly edited, revised, and self-servingly manipulated Bible are truly universal words to live by.  Presenting the manipulated interpretations of these ancient texts as ?the word of God? has been a brutal enabler for xenophobic literalists and their cultish ilk.  Any study of history will reveal the universal existence of stories like the creation myth and the great flood as written long before the Bible by people who bore no resemblance to the modern group thinking ?Christian? cults that impose themselves upon our governments and society.


I wish that Jesus had taken a moment to put down his gospels in writing.  Many think he did

and his words were banished into the ether because he undermined the controlling powers of

the religious hierarchy by removing God from the churches and other money gathering establishments and placed it where it really belongs ? in the hearts and minds of every living

thing on Earth. 


I revere the few true words of Christ that remain after centuries of passage through self-serving hands.  I wasted many years of my life serving a Church and working closely with a Priest as an acolyte.  The lessons taught to me were mostly about the hypocrisy and hateful bigotry of what passes for a ?Christian? in modern times.


Your website is like a fresh ocean breeze on a smoggy day.  I am now on your mailing list and look forward to hearing more from real Christians who actually heed the gospels of Christ.

While I will always disagree with the arrogant attempted imposition of restrictions on the God given gifts of personal free will and self determination pushed so vigorously by modern religions, I will always hold in the highest regard the words and teachings of men like Jesus.


May the road rise with you on your journey of enlightenment.




What do you think of Jesus?

Steve Cohen, founder, 1 Cor. 15:58, Our web site:




I think his path is difficult one to walk, and I wonder how those who have found the wide path can be so confident they know Him.  How about you?




Perhaps I have been fortunate, being “ethnically Presbyterian”, I have never participated in a church with a pastor who supports any of the wars of my generation (I was born in 1947.) 

As a “dove” and “peacenik” I have openly challenged any Christian, pastor or layperson, who tells me military aggression is appropriate conflict resolution.  I could easily be a conscientious objector.  The most common hawkish retort I get is “The Bible says there will always be wars and rumors of wars.”

Prooftexting can be very troublesome to intelligent dialogue.

Janet McCormack



My Brother in CHRIST!  THANK YOU!  This article hits the BULLSEYE!  May

Christians finally realize the ONLY ISRAEL is the SPIRITUAL  ISRAEL!  The Church!




I get your e-mail newsletter from time to time although I’m not sure how I got on your list. Anyway it has become clear to me that you are anti Israel. But it appears that you stand behind terrorists and God haters. I have sent you e-mails in the past and requested that you respond biblically.  Evidently you are unable to due so which leads me to believe you’re probably a front for a terrorist organization yourself. If you did know the bible the old testament and the new you would have a biblical answer for some of the questions I have put to you. However keep sending the news letter I like to keep up the ways people will twist the Word of God so I can show myself approved and have an answer for the hope that is within me.



Dear Mr. Heymann:

I see (in our files) we have answered several of your letters, but you have not asked any specific questions.  Give us the one piece of scripture that supports your view that the State of Israel is a fulfillment of Bible prophesies.  The best argument you have from one place in the Bible, please, and we will see if we have an answer.  We believe God is intelligent; therefore, there should be an intelligent argument in one place by one of his prophets or disciples to support your view.  Just one now, your best shot please.Cecarl




Good People; I did the very same thing; it was Easter Sunday 1962. The Priest a retired Army Chaplin who served in Korea; the issue bombing Vietnam. On our holiest of days for God’s sake! I walked out taking my family with me, I was twelve years old at that time.

Much Success  


Rev. Jim Davis



Excellent. Another very well written piece…

This one must have hurt your brain it’s so good.







Dear Carl,

I love to read you and I know you are too busy to read this note but I saw the mistakes and hypocrisy of the Christians and their Church 20 years ago.  I was brought up as a Christian, baptized and confirmed in the Church (Lutheran) but could not see why the Bible itself was neglected and false teachings were adopted not only in Catholicism but at every Church I visited:  Trinity in nowhere to be found in the Bible and Jesus never once called himself the ‘son of God.’  Now I realized that all the founders of Christianity were Jewish, including Jesus and especially Paul who admitted that he was a Pharisee and the son of a Pharisee!  Yet the words of Jesus were overruled by the miss-understandings of the disciples and the false teaching of sacrifice and blood replaced knowledge and obedience; “Go learn what this mean: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.'”

Islam tells us that the Messiah Jesus was not crucified and not killed but that he ascended into heaven to return again.  Jesus did not change the law and the prophets, nor did he imply that they could not be followed, it was Paul the Pharisee who abolished the law and ignored the message in favor of an icon demi-god who would pay for sin just for believing.  Sorry, Muslims have stood up against this racist terrorist war for over fifty years and if you want to join them you better do it for the right reason, that is truth and justice for the sake of God. 

Sincerely, Nasr


The word Pharisee is perfectly appropriate when alluding to war-mongering, Bush-living Christian Fascists.  Jesus was singularly harsh and outraged when speaking to these hypocrites, and I believe we should take off the kid gloves and take on today’s Pharisees with equal candor and fury. If one cannot serve God and Mammon, then surely one cannot support Bush and be considered a true Christian.


When will you be coming to Portland to organize vigils at some of our local mega churches?

I would be glad to help. God bless you, Chuck.




I would like very much come to Portland, but do not know when I will.  If you have a couple of friends to help we can walk you through a vigil from start to finish.  Consider it, two of three have an impact.  You are not alone out there.

CE Carlson




Greetings to Pastor Carlson,

Thank you so much for the wonderful e-mail. 

The friend who wrote the quote below is 100% brain-washed by the pro-Zionist bias of the pseudo-Christianity that you so effectively suppose. Please do not get discouraged by such remarks from “friends” and keep up your great work of recovering Jesus out of the mess surrounding us.

Your supporter,

Patrick H. in Tokyo



Thanks, and it’s ok to call me ‘Pastor’ because we should all do that. Jesus warned about being called Rabbi, and once he rebuked a wealthy young Pharisee for calling him “good” saying “only the father is good.”  Anyway, we do have a home church and sometimes I exposit when we do vigils, so thanks of the promotion.






Yesterday was the thirty eighth anniversary of the Pharisee attack on the USS Liberty June 8 1967.  I have had a terrible time over the years with the established church and I am really tired of the standard preaching that says “The Israelis can do no wrong” and that we must support them no matter what.  Because God saved my life when these people tried to kill me, I have a rough time believing that they can do no wrong.  You people are on the right track, and I have experienced enough about this to know that you are.

Ron Kukal  (




The pharisees of today, of whom you write, ARE mostly   Israelites, but they are sheep that have gone astray, and   their idol worship today are as those when God spoke   to man, and of whom he called “whores.”  Your admonition of these back-stabbers, and advice to   abandon their “churches” and pharasees is well earned.  It is good to see someone who is in step with the truth.

God bless




I am in support of the name (Pharisee Watch) because it explains what is happening at present. Pharisaic has come to mean hypocritical and concentrating on trivial issues, neglecting the major issues. I like your defense.






You have ably clarified your definition of the word “Pharisee” and explained that you have used it because it defines the group of people with whom you have a fundamental dispute.  Just as you say, so did Jesus.  I see no reason to treat any group of people with more sensitivity that others (surely we should be equally sensitive to all) and, in this particular case, I should suggest that any offense taken to the application of the word “Pharisee” to a wayward priest would be more artificially contrived than real – whatever term you used to get your point across would be objected to by those whose motives you oppose.


There could hardly be a greater insensitivity than the one that the Jewish zealots of Hebron (and New York) practise towards those of different faith AND race! To them “Arab” is a term of abuse and Palestinians are “animals”, “vermin”, “lice”. And Christians not a whole lot better, yet nevertheless useful as rather dim servants. And these zealots are fawned over and toadied to by Jew and Christian alike– they being so awfully careful not to offend them, though they are so very racist. 


Far from being marginalized, too, the zealots are having an enormous and utterly disproportional influence upon Israel’s conduct and the effect of that conduct upon America and the rest of the world.  Zealots have once saving grace:  they are less hypocritical. They say it as they see it – they are the Chosen of God and all that is set forth in the Pentateuch and the Torah is to be taken completely literally which, if you read is as a modern-day prescription, condones genocide and their mastery over the world

– over you and me.




PHARISEE WATCH is a GRATE name, it dose boggle the mind how some people are so prickly about anything that dose not make the Jewish people seam OH I do not KNOW! GOD LIKE! perfect better than anyone else! We are all Gods children! When did Jesus not stand up to a pharisee! If we could just stop trying to be politically correct and be full of God’s love and grace we would never even think of hurting anyone, there would be peace and Justus. But instead we whine about the seamed offensive and hateful word. When I hear Pharisee I think Bush 1 and 2, Israel , and the so called Christians leaders!


I”m sorry I am just fed up with all that this country has done and continues to do! AND still the people CHOOSE to follow the politically correct crap of stand behind the president! and in God’s name!!  Keep up the good work and my God give me the understanding that he has blessed you with!



(IN PART) Excellent article!  Please do not change your name, “Pharisee Watch”.  It is a perfect name!  Most people do not seem to object all the derogatory and racist names and comments thrown by the warmongers at Muslims, Palestinians, Iraqis, etc., etc..  Israeli leaders, many Jews, Judeo-Christians, Zionist-Christians, and warmongers who want the annihilation and genocide of Palestinians – and every non-Jew in the Middle East – are the Pharisees of today.  


I find it racist to claim that Jews are the “Chosen People by God”.  If Muslims or any other group of people were to make such claims, they would be ridiculed and condemned by the very same people who claim the Jews are the “Chosen People by God”.  Hitler thought the white race was the super race but he fell short of claiming the white race was “Chosen People by God”. 


I am not aware of any church in USA, except your ministry, that is for peace and that follows Christ’s teachings.  They all either preach hate and war or are silent about the genocides that are going on.  I do not attend Church because the “Christians” of today are not followers of Christ.  They, along with the Zionists, are truly the “Pharisees” Jesus condemned.  If Jesus were to be amongst us in flesh today, they would be crucifying Him all over again.  If you change your name “Pharisee Watch”, I would be very disappointed.



Remove me… don’t ever darken my doorstep again



Sorry, that’s all we have room for.

By far the most often received messages from Christians sounding address are cryptic, “take me off” with a note like “never darken my door again? or much worse.  We are an outreach so we send out a lot of mail to those we think need to see it.  Our list of ?take me offs? is bigger than the phone book in the towns many of you live in, 17,800 addresses and growing.  These people have each gone to the trouble to tell We Hold These Truths they don’t want to hear what we say, and very outgoing message, like this one, is filtered against this big ?remove? list. 


We also hear from pastors who subscribe to our letter, and some write letters of thanks.  We hope we are encouraging those who truly follow Christ to compete in the market place more strongly for the minds of searchers.  When evangelicals finally wake up, and they are, they will need a place that stands on the cornerstone of Jesus? teachings.  Our next Pharisee watch is about them.


THE BASIC EDUCATION KIT: Understanding Christianity Judaica and War special

Includes: Two pamphlets, four audiotapes, and video presentation:

$28.00 (originally $40.00) plus $6.00 delivery. (Paste this URL into your browser: