Prominent Israeli patriot leaders make it clear there is a fervor, and it is heating up as the Mel Gibson’s film approaches release on Ash Wednesday, February 25th, just in time for Easter, the Christian celebration of Jesus? Crucifixion and Resurrection.

The film, “The Passion of the Christ” has received stunned reviews by select audiences of church leaders including some Judeo-Christian celebrities, and is receiving emotional and positive response from laymen and leaders alike.  So far no evangelical leaders we know of have uttered the “anti-Semite” curse upon the film.  But don’t hold your breath, we know Gibson is also getting plenty of advice from Judeo-Christian leaders on how to make it more politically acceptable.  One who knows him well, his father, tells us Gibson will stand. It is his film and he is justly proud of it.

Most prominent among the film’s critics are Abraham Foxman, President of the Anti-Defamation league, and Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder of the Simon Wiesenthal Institute. In a January 23rd article by Arthur Spiegelman, entitled Jewish leaders slam Mel Gibson’s Passion, Rabbi Hier stated:

“I can tell you this is a terrible film, a terrible portrayal of Jews and will cause tremendous harm and be a delight to all the enemies of the Jewish people.”

Mel Gibson’s masterpiece will be seen by a lot of people, and judging from the reviews, and what Hutton Gibson, Mel Gibson’s father told me, it will leave a lasting impression on every one of us.  Why the fervor among Israeli Patriot leaders?  Because so many will see it and they will not be able to help gain a better understanding of what is going on in Israel today and even in Iraq, though the film is in no way political.

Modern day Israelis have chosen to claim that they are the blood decedents of the first century “Ioudai’on” (the Greek word that is now rendered “Jew”), and Zionist pressure groups including the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the Anti-Defamation League, ignore history and support this political agenda.

Respected modern Jewish scholars say, not so! Most Israelis are anything but Semitic, they are mostly European and “secular” and do not care a fig about Bible history.

Israelis I spoke to will tell you, if you ask them, that they claim Semitic ancestry for a political reason, to justify the land they have taken by force.  Today’s Israeli leaders like Mr. Sharon, and the two prominent Americans who complained about “The Passion” all use their self-ascribed “Ioudai’on” roots to justify “the return“(Aliya).

When Mr. Gibson portrays their chosen Pharisee ancestor in the light of traditional Biblical history, they cry “foul”! Rabbi Hier wants Gibson to cast round faced, smiling, and blue eyed, Jesus tolerant former Europeans (like themselves) as the Pharisees and the mob.

Israeli politicians and Israeli Patriots in America cannot have it both ways.  They must decide if they are the “Pharisees” of first century linage, as they claim, or if they are European invaders who hold the land taken from the Palestinians by force.  Israeli patriots in America, including the leaders of some American churches, are at a junction; they must decide how far they will go in supporting Israel’s crimes.

“The Passion of the Christ” will help to bring peace through understanding.  We pray that those of every religion, or no religion at all, will see it.

To Dissolve or not to Dissolve…

January 31, 2004 By Palestine, A must article, who is the Palestinian Authority and the PLO?

Books, tapes and videos that explain the fervor over The Passion:

One Nation Under Israel

By Andrew Hurley, The book that explains “Aliya.”

The People and the Land

By Tom Hayes, the film that explains the “occupation”.

Forcing God’s Hand
by Grace Halsell

A book that explains why Judeo-Christian leaders will turn against Mel Gibson

Facts are Facts
By Benjamin Freedman

Famous Christian businessman writes to a fellow convert Christian, examining the question, “Was Jesus a Jew?”

Israel 1948: Super Sign of The Last Days?
Don K. Preston, asks Are we in the “End Times?”