Normally vigils by We Hold These Truths, conducted in front of Christian Zionist churches or events, are ignored by the media.  In the case of a vigil in Fresno, CA conducted by David Jacobs, Pastor Jim Franklin of the Cornerstone Church in downtown Fresno was so upset by the presence of WHTT and our controversial signs like Blessed Are The Peacemakers, Choose Life Not War and Who Would Jesus Bomb? (a new version of this is: Who Would Jesus Drone?, a corollary to the well known WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do?), that he called out the media.  Mr. Franklin has a local talk show and must have some clout because one of the local stations, KFSN (channel 30), an ABC affiliate showed up and did an excellent and fair job of reporting our vigil.  It’s only just over a minute but packs a punch.  Pastor Jim Franklin has hosted a number of events for John Hagee and CUFI (Christians United For Israel) at his church that bares the same name as John Hagee’s home church, Cornerstone Church, in San Antonio, TX.