Charles E Carlson

Have you noticed, the press, including TV have stopped giving us significant world news. Two or more stories out of every three have to do with Coronavirus. In the meantime, the state of Israel is leading the push for world war. 

One has to look deeply into the news, from Reuters the New York Times to find any mention of Israel’s repeated attacks against its neighbors. Yesterday it bombed Lebanon and Syria.

War has always been the banker’s way out of bankruptcy in critical times.  They instigate killing fight against a manufactured enemy while the public is preoccupied with some other internal problem. War has always pumped up business.  Will it this time, it remains to be seen.

Jesus’ influenced factions must never be silenced or coerced to cover for any war. The Prince of Peace said Blessed are the Peacemakers, are among his most quoted commands. What about “love your brother,” even your oppressor. Not one Jesus statement that I can recall allows Christian leaders to accept mass killings, called war.  

Political leaders know that Israel is their answer to war. Many of our writings explain this, as does our 2008 film, Roots of Christian Zionism.

Have you discussed these terrible possibilities with your pastor and other leaders in your church? Ask each to consider their responsibility in the face of this promoted war scheme. Please do not wait until the Covid19 threat is over. The shutdown has given most of use spare time. He may not be too busy to talk if you only ask him. Why not masked meetings? Inform him of the war cover-up and ask him to speak out for peace. Jesus did!