Preparing for Financial Chaos

By Charles E Carlson

Over the week end Federal Reserve (FED) Chair Jerome Powell publicly stated it will now buy Treasury bonds, bills and note in an “unlimited quantity” supposedly to stabilize our Covid-19 crippled society. The FED announced it will start with at least a $300 billion emergency-lending program. This may be the first time in the FED’S 107 year history it openly admitted abandoning its pretense of sound money. However, it had never practiced this precept, except when it temporarily served the purpose of its private bank owners. The Fed has done us a great favor by admitting what it is and does, a banker’s contrived mechanism to control our government by managing our money.

Monday morning bond and gold markets shouted loud and clear on the upside. The  money interests, including banks, understood that the FED had signaled and up bond market. There is no more valuable indicator of monetary policy than the trillions (not billions) of dollars that the FED flows in and out of these markets. This one is promising inflation as never before, and every consumer will be the eventual victim.

We need to start by watching the dollar flow from those who own and control our politicians, including our President. These money market Politicos’ plans has been partly revealed. They are the hidden banking giants who control every move of our Federal Reserve, which pretend to be a stabilizing force within our government while manipulating it. Our politicos, including President Chaos, pretend otherwise, that the FED is part of the Republic’s governmental system.

We will now take a look at the markets of the billionaire’s stocks, FED issued bonds, commodities, including oil, metals, and food. What are these markets telling us? Now, on the third market day, following the Covid-19 shutdowns around the country, all of the above markets are rising, but not for the same reasons. First, there was the Monday morning massacre, where everything seemed to be collapsing. Stock and consumer commodities were down big time. There was a significant natural flow into other markets that investors feel are beyond the control of the government, led by precious metals.

But as the FED‘s unprecedented announcement soaked in, fuel and consumables started to run up, probably because the President promised extensive financial support from the Federal Reserve, which he pretends to control. He has promised war businesses massive funding, including Boeing Aircraft, without even the pretext of payback. He has promised helicopter money to the lower-income masses. The FED has now confirmed it will fund these promises. For now, the stock market is functioning as though this phantom funding can and will be done.

Huge money investors started to abandon stocks months ago, rushing into the bond markets! The price of commodities is usually a more sensitive indication of what giant investors think. Gold, silver, and other precious metals are indicators of investor fear. Fear of stocks and real estate crashes which are bound to follow. In two days, gold futures rose as much as $125 per ounce. Silver and other precious metals followed.

These have been the investment of last resort for thousands of years whenever economic hell is breaking loose. The institutional investors purchased billions of dollars of US Treasury bonds, bills and notes. Mega-investors, in the know, are willing to take little or no return on their money in exchange for the Central bank’s promise to give back the principal.

Bond’s interest may soon be negative if the President gets his way. These investors have complete confidence in the FED‘s continued ability to print as much money as needed, for it controls our money supply. The President may jawbone, but he has little or no power over the money supply. Our President does not want depression; he wants reelection, and would likely start a war to achieve it.

The Covid-19 virus has landed at the worst possible time for us consumers and workers. It is so incredibly untimely it looks like a perfectly planned event, a final stroke to condition us to a banker led dictatorship. The question is, could our Covid-19 virus be a planned event?  The World Trade Center destruction was planned to look like Saudi Arabia did it. Then, retribution was somehow switched to Iraq, justifying the destruction of that country, and its oil production with it.  Is the Covid-19 virus part of a plan to pull us into a massive war? Could this enemy be one of the world powers? The only ones left are China or Russia. Or, can we expect another series of smaller conflicts in which the US will leave more of the Middle Easter in shreds? Warmakers desiring this end could not have timed Covid-19 more cleverly and diabolically.

We Hold These Truths will not grasp at straws in any attempt to prove this point. It is now only a logical hunch, no matter how clear our thinking seems to be. Today only the names have changed. The warring factions and financiers are the same, and the FED is the key by providing the war money at the call of our President.


Video discussion of  The Money War to Come After the Covid-19 Crisis Ends, with Craig Hanson, author Chuck Carlson, Tom Compton

Worth reading: “On the Digital Dollar Mar 23, 2020: