Mohammad Abdul Qavi (he went by Qavi) was an activist for peace and justice for Palestinians. We met Qavi at the El Beit Guest House in Beit Sahour, the city next to Bethlehem, Palestine, where a group of us, on the month long, Iktashef experience, sponsored by the Holy Land Trust, were staying.
Mohammad Abdul Qavi, is flanked by Jessie Qumsiyeh on the right and Dr. Maazin Qumsiyeh, founder of the Palestine Museum of Natural History in Bethlehem.
Qavi, who was from London, had chosen the El Beit Guest House as his retirement home and had been living there for over 6 years. This interview with this remarkable and compassionate man, who practiced only non-violent resistance, was conducted on August 14, 2017, less than two weeks before his passing on August 27, 2017. Qavi, a true friend to Palestinians, will be sorely missed. (26 minute video)