Dear Friends! Please join with us!
A Vigil for peace with justice at Faith Bible Chapel, at the Christians United for Israel’s “NIght to Honor Israel” event featuring talk show host and Middle East advocate for war, Dennis Prager.
Organizer: We Hold These
Where: Faith Bible Chapel, 6250 Wright St., Arvada, CO 80004
When: Sunday, Oct. 11, 2015 – 4:00 to 6:00 pm
Help remind Pastor George Morrison and the large staff of mega-church Faith Bible Chapel that he and Christians United for Israel (CUFI) must share responsibility for literally thousands of murdered and homeless Philistines in Gaza and the West Bank. “Philistine” is the Arabic pronunciation of “Palestine” and is also the Biblical tribe that is said to have lived in Gaza.

Rev. Morrison is on the Executive Board of CUFI
We will be outside of this church on the public sidewalk, mingling with the crowd and providing bits of truth about the Palestine Occupation and about the Christian Zionist ongoing-campaign that has supported and fostered continuous US wars in the Middle East, since January 21, 1991, the first war on Iraq. These wars, in addition to causing countless violent deaths and the current refugee disaster we see on national news, have resulted in several trillions of dollars of new US debt, which cannot and will never be repaid.
No one will hear these facts inside “A Night to Honor Israel.” Instead, they will be told about the glories, wonders, and innocence of Israel. They will not hear a word about the shedding of what the Bible refers to as “innocent blood”. They will not hear of Jesus’ living message, “BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS, FOR THEY SHALL BE CALLED THE CHILDREN OF GOD.”
According to Rev. Morrison’s interpretation of the Bible, the boundaries of modern-day Israel should include Egypt’s Sinai Desert, Lebanon, Jordan, parts of Syria including Damascus and points east. (interview in the documentary With God On Our Side)
What are Pastor Morrison and Mr. Prager going to tell those who enter Faith Bible? Are they going to tell them about Jesus’ love for all mankind, regardless of race? He loves both Israelis and Philistines, and He even loved the corrupted and violent Pharisees who arranged His murder? No, if this meeting is like those in prior years, Jesus’ name will only be spoken as an afterthought, so as not to offend those being entertained, who may not even believe Jesus existed–probably including Dennis Prager! Since not one word of peace or brotherly love will be heard inside Faith Bible Chapel, we will offer a message to those on their way in!
Neither Pastor Morrison nor Dennis Prager will inform attendees that only a week ago, at a checkpoint in the West Bank of Palestine, near Hebron, an Israeli Defense Forces soldier shot down an unarmed 18-year-old Philistine girl, pumping nine or more rifle rounds into her lower body and extremities. He then deliberately ensured her death with a single shot to the chest while she lay bleeding on the ground. Fortunately, the event was photographed on cell phones by other youths present. This is the Israel that Christians United for Israel will be extolling at Faith Bible Chapel, and we are there to tell the attendees the truth! This young woman, murdered in full Muslim attire, was an Israeli citizen, the daughter of a prominent Hebron doctor, one of those who are supposed to enjoy equal rights with Israeli Jews. (link)
Morrison and Prager will not tell the audience about the over 2,100 murdered residents of Gaza–nearly 600 of them children–who were incinerated and buried in the dirt and concrete of their homes only last year. Israeli apologists called this annihilation Operation Protective Edge. No one will be told about this Gaza destruction which has left tens of thousands of Philistines homeless a year later, internal refugees who are not allowed to leave even if they want to. We will be there to tell those who will listen.
This big church congregation, one of the largest in Colorado, will never know about certain Israeli Knesset members who are publicly on record as wanting to open the gates of Gaza and drive all 1 1/2 million resident Philistines into the Egyptian desert on foot!
We will be there to emphasize to those who truly follow Christ that Jesus is about love and peace. We will do our best to tell them. We are inviting other pro-peace groups and we are asking you to join us, spreading a few words of the Truth which will not be heard without you. This will be a peaceful vigil and church leaders and local police have already been informed. We suggest you park on streets west of the church or at the strip mall north of the church. Come prepared to enjoy speaking with arriving attendees. Signs and literature will be provided, or you may bring your own, and please keep with the spirit of this letter.
Charles E Carlson
602 741 4650
“Hebron: Pictures show moment 18-year-old Palestinian woman shot dead by an Israeli soldier,” Gianluca Mezzofiore, International Business Times, 9/29/2015:
[…] 1st. We Hold These Truths has just completed 2 vigils at Churches who support CUFI. One in Arvada Colorado, and the second in Sacramento.,You will find my letter to Pastor Cole of Capital Christian Center […]