Vigil at “Night to Honor Israel” July 17, Washington DC, 4:00 PM 

 Second Call: To expose John Hagee and Christian-Zionist Warmakers:


A personal request from Charles Carlson

Dear Friends:


Project strait Gate is different; we are coming to Washington to challenge thousands of Christian leaders who are assembled there from all over the country to lobby Congress for “war” on the people of Iran.  We want them to know that a Project Strait Gate team may soon be standing in front of their home church.


Where: The Washington DC Convention Center

801 Mount Vernon Place NW

Washington DC 20001


When:  Tuesday, July 17, 2007, 4:00 PM until 7:30 PM

(the croud will probably start about 5:00PM )

(Look for the big yellow and black Project Strait Gate signs)



We are there to talk to Christian-Zionist leaders who have influence at home.  We are not there to talk to the Congress, nor are we in Washington to impress the President; we know it does not work!  The Congress and the Office of the President are already in enemy occupied territory, inside the “Green Zone,” outside the reach of the people, controlled by by the Beltline lobbyists and power brokers. We will not waste one hour on them. The power of righteousness is at home, where the votes are cast! 


We can change errant “Christian” leaders who influence vast support at home. Several thousands of the most influential and the most mislead of these leaders will be assembled in DC Convention Center on the night of Tuesday July 17. This will be our 4th Vigil at a Hagee s “Night To Honor Israel” around the country, and they are beginning to know us well.  In Phoenix, prominent local Rabbi Straus refused to attend Night To Honor Israel, even though John Hagee contributed some $50,000 to area Jewish causes.  The Jewish News reported his words:


Rabbi Andrew Straus, spiritual leader of Temple Emanuel in Tempe, gave a sermon on the Friday night before the CUFI event explaining why he would not be going. “John Hagee believes that what he is doing is divinely ordained and fulfilling biblical (prophecy),” he told Jewish News, “and he believes Israel cannot return a single square inch of land, which goes against the policies of the last five Israeli prime ministers and the views of most Americans and Israelis. (Americans) have a habit of creating friends we think we can control, but we end up being the monkey on the lion s back. I think Hagee will end up using us.”

Now it is time for followers of Christ to boycott John Hagee for an even better reason, because Hagee is defiling the words of Jesus Christ about love and peace. The only remaining supporters for Zionist Israel and the endless Serial Wars that are destroying our nation and the entire Middle East are members of the so-called Christian Right; most Israelis do not support Zionist wars! 


We are in Washington to confront the misled (apostate) “Christians” who are following an anti-Christian John Hagee and hundreds of other media celebrity Christians like him. An understanding of our view is finally showing through after 4 years and some 60 vigils; we saw it in Phoenix, AZ and California.  The last pillar of support for the never ending slaughters called “War on Terrorism” is Christian-Zionism, a huge uncountable block of from 40 to 70 million adults, or more, mostly Americans, and its most vocal and radical leaders will be in Washington DC. We must confront them with the truth about their acts and the blood on their hands! John Hagee is in Washington with a big group of spiritually deceived Judeo-Christians who are being led into the tragic belief their eternal security (path to heaven) requires that they come to Washington and lobby our Congress for Israel s hoped for war on Iran.


John Hagee relishes more war

Hagee wrote this year in the Pentecostal magazine, Charisma: “The coming nuclear showdown with Iran is a certainty.  Israel and America must confront Iran s nuclear ability and willingness to destroy Israel with nuclear weapons.  For Israel to wait is to risk committing national suicide.” 


Yes, its is true, John Hagee really did say that, and he says words like it often.  We Hold These Truths says no one need face nuclear incineration, so we need to resist those who want to make it happen.  Hagee is knowingly or ignorantly (your choice) working for and with those who can make it happen. 


Why followers of Christ should shun Hagee

Among the victims of wars we find many Judeo-Christian, whose own sons and daughters often are the first to enlist because of the teachings they have received in their churches, as has been the case in Iraq.  They need to be told they are following false gods, and that the real God will require that they account for the needless slaughter of the Persian and Arab people, and for the needless loss of our own.


This gigantic support block is about to slip from under the Serial-Warmaker politicians like a one-legged stool on ice.  Hagee is in Washington for two purposes (not withstanding his own monsterous self-deception); (1) he would fool the Congress into thinking the Christian-Zionist support is stable; and (2) he would fool the Judeo-Christians into believing that the Christian-Zionist trash theology he teaches is not Bible apostasy.   The key next step in stopping “Serial Wars,” including those planned for Iran and Sudan is to bring a grain of logic to the Judeo-Christians assembled in Convention Center on July 17, and to let each one know they can expect a Project Strait Gate team on the sidewalk in front of their own home churches. 


Most of the giant fragmented anti-war movement, except for We Hold These Truths, has ignored the Judeo-Christian war apostasy, leaving it to its own devices, a tragic mistake!  But think of Hagee balanced on a “one-legged stool” perched on a block of ice. What answer can be simpler?


Please help us save what decency is left in American churches:  

1) Come to Washington DC on Tuesday afternoon, July 17 and maybe early evening, even if you must take a day off work to be there.  Hold up one big sign and it will free one of us to talk to the attendees…this is not something we can hire a homeless person to do. You should do it, so you will not become a homeless person.  You need only bring your determination.  If you cannot come, maybe you can finance someone else who will come; Leslie from Phoenix. is riding Amtrak to be there!


2) Contact your friends today, and that includes any anti-wars group leaders you may know.  Suggest they join us quietly and peacefully, leaving any anger they harbor at home.  Ours is a respectful vigil, not a mass demonstration.  Washington DC is used to mass demonstrations that cost a fortune and do little good; remember… there are no votes for Congressmen in Washington, only lobbyist with money.  The impact of what you do must reflect on those back home!


3) Please contact any media person you may know by phone, and keep up the contact, asks the person to write a story about Project Strait Gate s four-year-old Vigils at churches around the country.  


4) Read these resources on our website; we have done this some 60 times, so we know how.


Project Strait Gate will try to talk to the estimated 4-5000 attendees at A Night To Honor Israel; but we are not there to shout at them! We want to place our very logical literature in their hands.  In Phoenix we reached about 20% of those who went into the hall, a fantastic feat.   Let s do as well at the Convention Center in Washington DC!  



I will be there to participate in the Project Strait Gate Vigil, Washington DC Convention Center on Tuesday July 17, afternoon and early evening, from about 4:00PM until dark.  It will be lead by Charles H and David S. If you are within travel range, please plan now to join us for this one session of three or four hours, holding a sign with almost complete safety. 


I will be waiting in Washington to meet you!

Charles H: 443 802 9681

David S: 410-499-5403

Chuck Carlson 480 947 3329

On Site: 602 741 4650


Radical Israel Seeks Support of Judeo-Christians for Culture of Death


Updates: Vigil for Peace with Justice, July 17, Washington DC

Click on Project Strait Gate/ events. 


Vigil for Peace with Justice at John Hagee s Night to Honor Israel, Phoenix,   AZ, View Project Strait Gate:


Hagee Gathering Raises $50,000 for Israel  Israel  d=245