Subject: CUFI Night to honor Israel, featuring Dennis Prager
What: Vigil to Challenge CUFI “NIght to Honor Israel” Event
Where: Faith Bible Chapel – 6250 Wright St., Arvada, CO 80004
When: Sunday, Oct. 11, 2015 – 4:30 – 7:00 pm
Dear Pastor George Morrison:
Our organization, We Hold These Truths, will be outside of your church on the public sidewalk conducting a peaceful vigil during your CUFI presentation on October 11th. We will be there early to talk to all who are willing and are inviting other pro-peace groups of all religions to join us.
We are saddened to learn that your fellowship is hosting this pseudo-Christian organization and are mystified as to why you would feature as your main speaker such a non-Christian as Dennis Prager, who teaches a clever, but not so subtle form of racism. His conclusion is always that war is necessary because Arabs are different from us. But Christ is the ‘ultimate peacemaker’ and he teaches that all men are made in God’s image.
Christians United For Israel, with its infamous leader (and you are on its Board of Directors!), presents itself as a “Christian” organization, but is nothing more than a secular lobbying arm for the State of Israel. Its founder (we no longer say his name, so shameful it is) is on record for praying for war against Iran. We have listened to many of these meetings, and Jesus’ name is never spoken, with the usual exception of some prayer ending in, “in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
The mission of We Hold These Truths is to awaken the Evangelical Church to the warmongering impact of Christian Zionism on the entire world. CUFI is at the center of the effort to sell Zionism to Christ Followers, but its influence is declining. Christ Followers think Jesus was and still is the ‘Prince of Peace’, the ultimate peacekeeper, and that there is no way to justify the political push for wars. Pro-life means pro-peace, therefore it must reject Zionism which is never for peace, always for conflict.
You and Dennis Prager can be identified clearly by your efforts to reject the Iran Nuclear Peace Treaty. We ask you, Pastor Morrison, have you ever spoken out against any wars?–You have had lots of chances! I cannot find evidence of a peacemaker on either yours or Prager’s website!
As I have said, we will be outside of your church on the public sidewalk conducting a peaceful vigil during the October 11th CUFI presentation. It is our hope and prayer that you will cancel this event and we would rejoice if you do.
The “Books that Influenced Dennis (Prager)” column on his website reveals the polished, smooth form of racism he spreads in his path. Among a dozen or so titles said to have influenced him are no fewer than four books focused on so-called racial differences between us on the one hand and Arabs or Muslims, including The Arab Mind. Perhaps no one told Mr. Prager that in Christ’s eyes, there is no “Jew nor Greek, male nor female, slave nor free, all are one in Christ Jesus.” (Gal.3:28)
You won’t find a map like this on Dennis Prager’s or CUFI’s website. Iran is surrounded by US military bases. How can they be a threat to the USA?
Pastor, you claim to be committed to reaching our community and the world with the message of Jesus Christ. And yet you invite CUFI and warmaking Dennis Prager into your church, where not an iota of Jesus’ message will be heard.
Christian Zionism does NOT resemble Jesus and is incompatible with His teachings: “Blessed are the Peacemakers”, “Do good to those that persecute you”, “My kingdom is not of this world”, “Blessed are the merciful”….
If you research the roots of Christian Zionism (we have many articles and links on our website to help you), you will find that Christian Zionism is built upon a faulty Biblical hermeneutic, or interpretation of scripture, that does NOT represent the historic teachings of the Christian Church. Christian Zionism supports the confiscation of land by brute force, dispossessing whole groups of people, supporting wars, deceptions, frauds, and murder of innocents – which does NOT represent Jesus!!!
Pastor Morrison, I was once a practicing dispensational evangelical. I know the doctrines. Can you honestly picture Jesus driving a Caterpillar tractor, uprooting Palestinians’ olive trees and smashing their homes? That’s what Christian Zionism supports.
There were many Christian pastors and others in the early 20th century that spoke out against Christian Zionism – but their voices were often drowned out by the Zionist forces of that day. In 1949 Professor Millar Burrows of the Yale School of Divinity in his book, Palestine Is Our Business, states: “A terrible wrong has been done to the native people of Palestine … Our own interests, both as Americans and Christians, are endangered. The interests of the Jewish people also have suffered. And we can still do something about it”. He goes on to say: “One thing is certain. Nothing that is essentially unjust or contrary to the Spirit of Christ can be the will of God. Let him who speaks of the fulfillment of prophesy remember Jer. 22:13 – ‘Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness’…”
We would welcome any dialog that you would like to have with us at the time of this vigil, or before the vigil through email. We also are brothers and sisters in Christ and our desire is “to seek peace and pursue it”, 1 Peter 3:11.
In Christ’s Love,
Chuck Carlson
We Hold These Truths
From: We Hold These Truths –
For details on the vigil, email Chuck Carlson @
References on Christian Zionism: &
Faith Bible Chapel: “Israel Awareness Day” (including “Night To Honor Israel” event)
How about this? You protesters stay home and fast and pray for Dennis and the church that has invited him. But, of course that would not give you as much attention! You are obviously disgruntled Christians but still in deep need of self centered attention! I listen to Dennis Prager regularly, as a Christian, and he is one of the few which has some wisdom. I am not a dispensationalist Christian, but I know the doctrines well! Israel is the only democracy in the mid east and your group is insane to opose the opposition to the Iran deal! We should support Israel, they have a sense of right and wrong which the surroundings countries do not! You are working for the enemy—not Dennis! Dennis is not militant, but if those crazies around Israel will stop teaching hatred to their children, maybe their lives would improve. You have gone off the deep end, but there is still time to repent. Try it! It will make you feel better and maybe help your mixed up brain!
Sharon, as a fellow Christian we would hope that you would agree with Jesus’ words: “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethern, you did it to Me.'” Matthew 25:40. What about our Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters in Christ who are being mistreated by Israel? Are they not deserving of our love and support, too? Or, is your brand of Christianity a racist one where God plays favorites? Did not the apostle Paul tell us, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Gal. 3: 28. As you say you are not a dispensationalist, you might be interested in our interview with Pastor Rob Dalrymple discussing his new book, “These Brothers of Mine: A Biblical Theology of Land and Family and a Response to Christian Zionism.”
I have said that fighting for peace is no different than having intercourse for virginity. The most vile and disgusting tactics have been brought to bear againt PALESTINE. The most insane arguments like “There is no such thing as a PALESTINIAN” as if one could use the TALMUD to “define” or re-define real flesh and blood people into non-existence of a say do. CHRISTIANS ZIONISM is a contradiction in terms. And modern day JUDAISM bears absolutely ZERO of resemblence to the Faith of the HEBREW Israelites. God never said …THOU SHALL NOT KILL, while granting exemptions for land theft and occupation. I am a Christian, a former firefighter from NJ, and I know FACTS that put all ZionistS to SHAME that DID OCCUR ON 9/11/2001 – and there were ISRAELI Operatives arrested WITH EXPLOSIVES headed to the George Washington Bridge but were caught as in their absolute cocky boldness THAY had the twin towers painted on the side of their truth with a plane flying into them. It was reported on FOX NEWS and then they dropped the report like a rock once they learned the identity of the terrorists. And a dual ISRAELI American citizen Micheal CHERTOFF DEPORTED THEM BACK TO ISRAEL WITHOUT TRIAL COMMITTING TREASON WHEN HE DID SO…… I am sick and tired of Americans not having the courage to speak out and speak up…..I must step up my efforts .