Tim Melton of Mesa AZ writes:

I want to comment on your group and your agenda. I just found out about you through an article in the East Valley Tribune, and I would like you to know that I believe your group is unduly dividing the Body of Christ. It appears that your agenda is closely aligned with the liberal agenda of many Americans who are enemies of faith. I am a member of Grace Community Church, where you plan to demonstrate tomorrow, and I feel your choice to picket our church is unwarranted and mean-spirited.

I know this opinion will fall on deaf ears, since liberals are self-righteous and not open to beliefs different than their own. But, I must write to you anyway, since this is the only way you will know that there are true Christians still in this world. I will pray for you and your group, that you will somehow see what Jesus taught us to do, and abandon your misguided and malicious targeting of churches such as GCC. If you would take the time to examine our church, you would know that God is present and active there, and you would be ashamed to target us as somehow being outside God s will. May God have mercy on you.

Tim Melton Follower of Jesus loyal American