Project Strait Gate held a silent vigil at the elegant Capital Christian Church of Sacramento California on April 25, during its two big Sunday morning services. Large, easily read signs challenged the church leaders about their social and Christian justifications for supporting Serial Wars in front of their financial supporters and spiritual followers. The leaders responded by asking their followers to ignore us
Project Strait Gate’s signs and literature also challenged the church leaders on their stated policy of placing Israel ahead of America and American lives by holding to the apostate view that Israel is a fulfillment of Bible prophesy, and that Israel’s acts against Palestine can not be justified in scripture.
If Israelis are proclaimed superior to Palestinians and Iraqis, in Gods eyes, then they must also be superior to American’s, in Gods eyes, it would seem. Pastors of CCC confirmed these views in letters and phone conversations before the picket.
It should be pointed out that there is nothing unique about this church among evangelicals: this is the prevailing view in Judeo-Christian churches and among celebrity airwave preachers. Pastor Rick Cole warned the entire congregation not to read the literature made available by Project Strait Gate volunteers in front to the church. We wonder at the sheep that did not wonder, but this is also not unique.
Pastors Guilty of Torture and Rape?
Since our visit to CCC nine days ago, the world has been shocked to learn of American and British acts of prisoner torture and abuse that rivals anything done to Russians during the terrible years of Stalin and Khrushchev. Those with good access to the Internet have already seen ugly photos that your author cannot share with his own peers. Some of the pictures withheld on CBS 60 Minutes last week are so base and degenerate as to be pornographic.
Iraqis have long complained about deliberate acts of brutality and humiliation, which have sometimes been covered in the international press. Crimes against mothers, and girls, have been described as “vile” in the UK press where the pictures have been published masked. These defy description both in the humiliation and the pain they produced. We now know of a secret report by Major General Antonio Taguba that revealed all of this many months ago, but it did not stop. We also know there have been three investigations, and that torture and rapes are far from isolated incidents of “bad apples” in the military barrel, as we are led to believe.
Who is to blame for this breakdown of morality in our military; our President; a few non-Christians renegades; or could it be the American Evangelical Christian leaders themselves who are to blame? We say the latter is true because Christian leaders alone failed a moral trust that politicians make a joke of. Youths have to learn somewhere. Atheists we know do not proclaim Iraqis to be inferior or sub-human; Zionist-Christians do.
This writer predicts, with little fear of being found wrong, that professing “Christian