The Irish Times, in its Feb 5 story, “Obama Keeps Faith as Prayer Breakfast Criticized,”

has only scratched the surface in exposing the danger to world peace (as if we have any) by this secret elitist branch of Judeo-Christianity. The Family\’s theology props up the mega egos of already powerful politicians and businessmen who are fueled with a love of self in a dangerous form of elitism that encourages them to take infinite power and assert that power over the masses. And it is all played out to a supposedly Christian drum beat, as explained in a fairly written story in Irish Times. (1)


The Christian “theology” with which The Family justifies its actions over ordinary citizens lies in the ancient self-serving axiom that “might makes right,” and that all those in power are placed there by God. It is not new to sing these lyrics to a Biblical tune. How convenient for politicians to claim to believe this.


Harper’s writer Jeff Sharlet exposed the group in several articles and a book entitled The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, published in 2008. Sharlet, who lived with The Family for a month, did us all a favor. This writer had never looked into who ran the annual prayer breakfast that always took in the highest of the most mighty each year, and never seemed to pray about the world problems that worry me.


The Washington Annual Prayer Breakfast, sponsored without notice by The Family, drew flak this year from alternative life style advocates who don\’t like the connections between The Family and the current Ugandan dictator who enacted death legislation against homosexuals. Shades of Amin, Idi that is, and I hope you saw the movie! Just imagine a group that thinks Idi Amin was appointed by God to rule Uganda?


Question: What is really wrong with “The Family” and why should all followers of Christ denounce and oppose it?


Answer: Because it will take Christian Zionists, including President Obama, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, and a flock of Congressmen in both parties to a dangerous new height of political power by whispering in their ears, “Do it,” God gave you power so He must want you to do your will.


Christian Zionism, which we named and have written about for some 9 years, has begun to disgrace itself, replacing love of Jesus with demands for endless wars against Islamic nations, all based on the notion that the state of Israel is a semi-God. Now the secretive elite underground group, “The Family,” seems to be providing both a rational training ground, and home away from home for Congressmen and “wannabees” who are embarrassed by Christian Zionists. Pastors of all churches should denounce both The Family and Christian Zionism as parallel paths of scriptural misrepresentation, both leading to more tyranny… them over us.


I suggest that you read Pastor Chuck Warnock\’s excellent book review of “The Family by Jeff Sharlet,” and decide if you want to invest in the book, as I did. (2)

And think about who you know who has some clout and speak out to them against the new wave of politicians who are being guided by politically active cults selling false ideas of what the bible says. If you don\’t know what to do, but want to do something, examine what Project Strait Gate voluteers are doing. Trust that God, not “The Family,” grants wisdom to those who earnestly seek it.  (3)


  1. Irish Times summary here:


(2) “The Family by Jeff Sharlet,” reviewed by Pastor Chuck Warnock

(3) Project Strait Gate