Pharisee Watch

The Captive Boy, A David or a Goliath? 
    By C. E. Carlson

THE CAPTIVE BOY photo and article of October 7, 2001, ( has been widely circulated and seems to have hit a nerve among Israelis partisans and patriots. It has aroused enraged replies, and thanks to an Israeli partisan websites, you may now see a photo of the boy throwing the rock that earned him 8 hours in an Israeli torture unit and a broken throwing arm!

See how small Kamal is, and note also the vehement response of the Israeli partisans and their casual contempt in stating, “Peaceful boy didn’t piss his pants without a reason.”   

The Israelis do not deny they beat Kamal Ali As’idah and broke his arm for throwing rocks; they as much as admit they tortured him, instead justifying their acts on the acknowledged fact that the boy threw rocks, and they provided an excellent picture of him doing it; nor do they deny this occurred in the boy’s hometown, on his own turf where they are intruders.  

We correctly stated in our story that 10-year-old Kamal did indeed throw rocks and we even surmised that he probably got caught because he was too small to throw very far. Torture of children is apparently Israel’s version of “AN EYE FOR AN EYE” (Exodus 21: 24).  Over 53 years this policy has been “A BROKEN ARM, OR MUCH WORSE, FOR THROWING A ROCK, NEVER MIND THAT YOU LIVE HERE AND WE ARE THE INVADERS.”  Under this Pharisaic system of “justice” thousands of children and teen-age men have been killed and maimed for life under “AN ARM FOR A ROCK” justice.  American taxpayers pay for it, as we have shown time and time again.  

What is amazing to We Hold These Truths, which is for the most part made up of Christ followers, is that those who in letters to us uphold this banal brutality are usually professing Christians