Is it a done deal “Over’ A wrap.

In human terms, without putting Almighty God into the equation, it would seem that the Zionists have written the script, directed the performance, produced the show and have called it a “wrap”, i.e., a fait accompli. They’re in the driver’s seat, calling the shots, barking commands. They have, without firing a shot (of their own, that is), become the masters of the Western world. And perhaps the Eastern world also.

How do we measure the evidence of their success? Look around. Sniff the air. Hold up your finger to see which way the wind is blowing. Try to wriggle. Lunge to get free. Yell for help. Do whatever you like, try any feint you please. They have a corner on the market of influence.

Does this mean that we should surrender? No, a thousand times no! Why? Because God is not dead! He is simply permitting the lawless their day of glory, a time that will come to an abrupt end. When? No one knows.

Why do many Pharisees today want to persuade us that Jesus was a Jew? Why do other Pharisees gnash their teeth at that prospect