Frequently, letters come from evangelical leaders* who can’t resist setting Project Strait Gate straight.  The following is from Dr. Cash, a Baptist pastor with academic credentials, who says Israel owns the entire Middle East.  Dr. Cash’s views are to some degree accepted without real consideration by 40 to 70 million evangelicals who have allowed themselves to become Enablers in the serial wars that we call “The Final Crusade.”  In the eyes of Dr. Cash, and millions like him, the war on terrorism is a crusade to free Palestine from Islam.  Mike Holland M.D., one of our advisors, answers Dr. Cash.

*What is an evangelical?  Some tell us we should find another word? that this word has a different meaning and not all evangelical churches support the bombing of Iraq and the occupation of Palestine.  We agree this is true, and to these we apologize.  But we find that the majority who call themselves “evangelicals