Pass it on, it’s contagious
May You Be Inspired to Preserve Life on the 4th of July!
Stan Jakubowski
Here are the words of Stan J. from North Branch, Minnesota, one of the organizers of the St Cloud Vigil, now busily organizing other teams:
“Please take a moment and think of this Project Strait Gate for something that Christian Patriots can do. I did my first two vigils at two churches in St. Cloud, Minnesota on June 18th. What a blast. It was fun and emotionally gratifying to be able to do something positive for Christ.
I am very familiar with the power of picketing because of the many years that I owned and operated a mechanical construction company with no union and got picketed from time to time. I learned that all peoples have rights of a union or not.
We need to exercise those rights or we don t have any.
Protection of the right to life is an obligation for God s children. As Christian soldiers we now can do something by joining Project Strait Gate and start our own cells all over the country in your town, or mine, or anywhere.
People want the opportunity to make a difference. It’s something positive, and have fun doing it……it’s like starting your own little church of like-minded Christians! Grandpa Stan 888-277-2601
We Hold These Truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights… and among these are LIFE….
Strait Gate Ministry
Box 14491
Scottsdale, AZ 85267
480 947 3329