This author wrote “Missionaries, Mercenaries, Missiles, and Money: The Untold Story of the War On The Children of Sudan,” in late 1998, to expose the United States Government’s unwritten policy of an undeclared war upon the impoverished, but soon to be oil splashed nation of Sudan. The US Shadow Government created this war upon the government of Sudan (GOS) on three fronts:
(1) It arranged support for an insurgency army called the Sudan Peoples Liberation Army (SPLA) which invaded the southern provinces of Sudan, much as ISIS is invading Iraq today. Some its support came through Israel, but significant financial and propaganda aid came from the USA;
(2) USA created a propaganda agenda to discredit the Sudanese Government calling the black leaders of the GOS “Islamic Arabs,” and claiming they brutalized the “Southern Christian tribes”on account of religion. In fact some of these individuals were religious but most were in fact animists.
(3) The US placing sanctions against the GOS much as it has today placed sanctions on Iran and Russia in an effort to overthrow the GOS. Included in this latter program is the bombing of its only pharmaceutical plant in Sudan in 1998, which was vitally needed to maintain health during the sanctions. The high tech bombing was a threat to the GOS of the futility of resistance.

KHARTOUM, SUDAN — Fourteen years after American cruise missiles destroyed a pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum, its ruins have been left untouched as a shrine that still rankles Sudanese.
The poorly armed Sudanese government could not defeat or resist the pressure and eventually capitulated with the insurgency, granting it a state called “Southern Sudan” which happens to control most of Sudan’s oil resources. This battle for oil control is still going on today.
Many Mail-order Missionaries, as we dubbed them, are mentioned in this report and were in 1998, seemingly incidental to the story, but in fact they carried out a big role, publishing the spreading anti-Islamic propaganda that tended to justify war. Prominent among these were Christian Solidarity International and Voice of the Martyrs.
Eventually, some of these more brazen Mail-order Missionaries saw an opportunity to cash in on the false image they were creating. They did so by participating in the repatriation of slaves that never existed, created on film, Hollywood style. The Mail-order missionaries eventually raised millions of dollars collected from followers, to pay for the catch and release of slaves at bargain basement price…less than the price of a lamb at times. The more nervy and unscrupulous traders, lead by Christian Solidarity International, are still at it.
Missionaries, Missionaries, Missiles, and Money, prominently mention Voice Of Martyrs several times in the context of being a wholesale slave catch and release agent for other churches and groups who put up money to free slaves. VOM no longer advertises this activity on its website.
Readers should understand the purpose of the 1998 paper was to expose the war threat to both Sudanese and Americans in hopes of preventing another bloody Iraq war on Sudan. It was never aimed at any “mission” groups mentioned in it. The GOS temporarily headed off that war with the USA by capitulating to the SPLA.
The original analysis of a most complex situation has stood up pretty well for 15 years, and it is more apparent that the basic assertions made then were largely correct and still are. After this stranger than fictions story was written and circulated, at least two of the “slave traders” mentioned in it denounced the practice of buy and release and exposed it as a fundraising scam.
The author tried to visit Sudan in spring 2002, and even took Yellow Fever shots, but could not get a visa from Sudan embassy in Egypt due to some snag. Instead, I stayed longer in Gaza, which now seems providential.
To read the original story click on: “Missionaries, Mercenaries, Missiles and Money: The Untold Story of the War On The Children of Sudan“
Listen to Chuck Carlson discuss the article and give some comparisons to the most current US enemy, ISIL: “Fleecing Christians With Fake Slave Redemptions In Sudan.”