To answer Elizabeth Azar you may write to

Dear Mr. Carl and friends at WHTT,

This message is meant as a sincere and heart-felt thanks for the work you are doing amongst Christian churches to promote peace and justice in Palestine and Iraq.

As an American Muslim who is familiar with the Bible and history, it has frustrated me to the point of tears to see the ignorance and hatred spawned by the pre-millenial dispensationalist teaching so common in today s evangelical churches. I wish that all Christians could know that in the long scope of church history, the Zionist doctrine they are now following is less than 150 years old and was first rejected in Britain as a heresy. I wish they could see that one of the main reasons Jesus, peace be upon him, suffered at the hands of the Jews was because he rebuked their concept of superiority and “chosenness.” Most of all, I wish they could see that their blindness to the humanity of the Palestinians and all Arabs and Muslims is the anti-thesis of everything Jesus taught. I know that as a Muslim, I am perceived as an outsider at best, or a deceitful tool of the devil at worst. Thank you for saying what I cannot say.

I am also pained when I see some of my fellow Muslims perceiving all Christians as bigoted and Islamophobic, promoting Israel at the cost of their brothers and sisters blood. I have forwarded your newsletter to many of my Muslim friends. You are an example of fairness that can help stop the downward spiral of fear and enmity between Christians and Muslims.

I pray that God will protect you and reward you for the work you are doing, as you promote the kind of love and interfaith tolerance that is exemplified by Jesus commendation of the Good Samaritan.


Rebecca Azar


The Messenger of Allah (saws) said “When Allah decreed the creation, He pledged Himself by writing in His book which is laid down with Him My mercy prevails over My wrath.” (Bukhari and Muslim)