In this thought provoking, 22 minute program, Chuck Carlson and Tom Compton of
We Hold These Truths present a more logical explanation than Fox News’ and Donald Trump’s endless tirades about a rift between Sunni and Shia Muslims. It is just not so, as we have experienced in long association with friends from both branches of Islam who coexist peacefully. This program includes a discussion about the Wahhabi sect, and how it is used, not as a practicing religion, but largely as population control mechanism by the secular, sometimes hard drinking, dope dealing, mega-billionaire royalty of Saudi Arabia. There it reigns terror on non-royal, Saudi citizens, and, even guests. For openers, both Wahhabi and ISIS sects behead for punishment, but no other Islamic sect does! The two articles referenced in the podcast are:: “
The Wall Street Skew of the Saudi/Iranian Rift” and “
The US Warmakers’ Divide and Conquer Strategies in the Middle East.”
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[…] by Tom Compton In this thought provoking, 22 minute program, Chuck Carlson and Tom Compton of We Hold These […]
Are you familiar with this Christian Zionist conference coming up Monday in L.A.?
Does anyone from your group plan to hold a protest there?
Richard, thanks for the tip in your comment about our program “Public Misled Again About the Manufactured Sunni Vs. Shia Muslim Split.” We were aware of the event but have no one in Southern California, yet, to conduct a vigil for We Hold These Truths on short notice. However, we have conducted over six vigils in the LA area over the past years since starting our vigils in 2002. There is an ever growing need to challenge Christian Zionism as we see a gradual awakening to its dangers. Craig Hanson is our N.CA Outreach Director and has conducted many vigils in N. CA over the past three years. ( check out our podcast on one of Craig’s successful vigils: http://whtt.podbean.com/e/whtt-joins-anti-war-activists-at-christian-zionist-event-in-san-francisco/ ). Please contact us if you’d like to conduct a vigil. CUFI (Christians United for Israel) frequently conducts events in S. CA. We’d be glad to help. Tom Compton