Project Strait Gate’s vigil to John Hagee’s Night To Honor Israel in Washington, DC
Call it great: our organizers did a first rate job and just the right people were there. Our agenda was to hand out Pharisee Watch to everyone who would take it, talk to those who would talk, expose everyone there to our simple message with carefully selected big signs, and finally to tell those inside and the press that the entire Night to Honor Israel is Christian apostasy. Everything we did worked better than planned.
The “Hagee-ites” were splendidly bedecked to meet honored Israeli gods and goddesses who substitute for Jesus at Night to Honor Israel. Several hundred were massed in front of the posh Marriot Wardman Park Hotel Tuesday where we intercepted them while waiting there for cabs and buses. Four volunteers shoveled out packets of Pharisee Watch to many.
At 6:00 PM we had our feet firmly planted on public ground granted to us by the local police, when the immense 3-4,000 crowd arrived in several dozens buses over a one-hour span. Only about 1 of 10 would accept a Pharisee Watch, having learned from our signs that we think they are the Pharisees. Once they learned the essence of our message, many appeared to realize that they did not want to know more!
Christian Zionists’ confidence in their argument is always thin, and their logic is nonexistent. We have learned from four vigils that Hagee s people are coached to treat our Pharisee Watch publications as if they might explode if touched; most shun it… this is also our experience in some 6o odd churches and large delegation meetings of Christian leaders where we have held vigils over the last four years. Israel first theology is sprouted from the footnotes of Scofield Reference Bibles, and is not to be challenged.
After the Vigil most of the team met for dinner and debriefed. Without exception everyone noted that the attendees, many of whom were pastors, refused to discuss scriptural justification for their warring ways, but instead resorted to secular arguments for war, including; “Saddam Husain was evil” and “they had weapons of destruction.”
Brainwashed dispensationalists are stubborn, but other groups are getting our message, little by little. “Jews on First,” is a clearing house for Jewish groups that oppose the Christian Right. It has published a website opposing Hagee s and the Christian Right s goals and methods for Palestine. We find growing opposition to Christian Zionism from every corner of Jewish thought. May the mainline Christians and Catholics be the next to wake up? The Christian Zionist weed patch is burning, but they don’t know it yet.
The Press:
Watch San Antonio Express News, Hagee’s hometown paper interviewed this author and is doing a feature story on Night To Honor Israel on Sunday. Look for it. The American Conservative and the Bill Moyers Journal both did detailed interviews with us but we do not know what the result will be.
My grateful thanks to the Vigilers and the team at home. Our next vigil is Sunday, July 29, in Oakland CA, details to follow. I will be there; how about you?
Charles E. Carlson
Letter to Pastor distributed at Night To Honor Israel,