James Earl Carter stood-up to the world’s most powerful lobbies at the Democrat Convention’s podium Monday night and told the truth; at least he came as close to the whole truth as anyone could on such a platform.  Let it be understood that this writer, like many who will read this, does not agree with much that Jimmy Carter did while he was President.   But I do agree with what he said Monday and I think he meant every word. 

Mr. Carter, at age 80, had the courage to show concern and compassion for all humans, naming specifically and by inference Arabs, and Muslims of any race.  Mr. Carter also came close to voicing the forbidden question that has yet to be answered by any politician when discussing terrorism,  “why do they hate us?”  Though Mr. Carter did not put it in those words, he made it clear he believes Americans have become mistrusted and suspected all over the world solely because of the acts of our government.

James Earl Carter’s speech has a unique tone that sounded a little different from those “Jimmy Carter” gave from the White House.  His were the words of a Christ-follower, observing the commandment of humility and love for all men that Jesus exemplified and even demanded of his followers.  Mr. Carter did not even once mention his faith, nor did he quote a single line of scripture. Bu his faith showed in his attitude. 

Christ warned all men against vain boasting, and the Third Commandment that all religions claim to fear is: “thou shall not take the name of the Lord in vain.”  Mr. Carter did not do so and his words were brave and unpopular ones.  Most politicians have probably not thought much about what God means by “taking his name in vain.”  In contrast to the vain boasting of others Carter sounded like a disciple of Jesus without ever saying so!  Other politicians pronounce Christianity every day but do not act it out.

It is necessary and proper to note that former President Carter has also openly confronted the current doctrine of his own Southern Baptist Convention when he recently stated that no follower of Christ was obligated to obey the warring dictates of political leaders.  His church says the opposite. 

Carter is (or was) a Deacon and a Sunday School teacher in a Southern Baptist Church in Plains, Georgia.  But the Southern Baptist Convention is hell bent on an organized crusade to discredit Islam as a religion built on hatred and bent on the destruction of Christendom. This amazing campaign of unbridled hated (for there is no other word that fits) is now being extended to the grade school level children in some Southern Baptist Churches.  We have first hand testimony that anti-Islamic hate films are being used in day camps (Vacation Bible School) to indoctrinate third grade children and younger.  The literature is produced by affiliates of the Southern Baptist Convention, and we promise more on this amazingly un-christian topic later. 

The value of Mr. Carter’s speech in opening the Democrat’s Convention will not be apparent to most of the Democrats, in fact, they will have to forget it happened if they are to keep their Jewish support.  But it has or will be heard by disaffected church-goers who are smart enough to know there is something wrong with the mega-churches who preach love, and carry out hatred and racism in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Many mainline Democrats will wish Carter had stayed home.  They cannot make use of his words for one very good reason; Carter quietly, forcefully and truthfully referred to Israel as the center of the problem in the Middle East. Democrats must play down Carter’s Christian-like analysis of the Bush administration’s war policy because he correctly refused to bow before the State of Israel and did not ignore its role in making war in the Mideast, and because he spoke convincingly of the humanity of the billions plus Muslims in the world.

Several Democrat past leaders, including the famous Senator William Fulbright, have proclaimed for the last 58 years that U.S. foreign policy has been made in Tel Aviv.  Andrew Hurley documented this in his powerful book One Nation Under Israel.  Hurley tells us the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) sits in judgment over the Democrat’s every move.  It has tarred and feathered many Democrat leaders who have allowed their consciences to come forth in public, as former President James Earl Carter did. 

Carter knows who controls whom, having himself felt the pressure in the oval office.  Carter made it clear, when questioned by The News Hour’s Jim Lehrer, that he doubts if Bush made the big decisions in the White House War Council. He went on to name Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz as possible string-pullers over the head of the President.  These men are AIPAC favorites.  According to author Hurley, many of the former congressmen he quotes say Israel controls the Democratic Party ruthlessly through AIPAC.

Israel also aspires to control the Republican Party through the ten-year old Unity Coalition for Israel (UCI), which uses apostate Christian anti-Islamic fanatics as its lobbyists.  The Unity Coalition for Israel‘s ambitious role aims to control the Republicans as we exposed in our own groundbreaking paper, Judeo-Christians? Role–Mr. Sharon’s Final Solution, by this author.

Mr. Kerry knows that the Christian-Zionist Right is Bush’s power base, and he knows he must come away with a significant percentage of President Bush’s “evangelical” vote, or else he will go the way of Al Gore.  This is possible because the Christian-Zionist vote is attached to Israel by the apostate belief in the coming of an apocalypse or “Armageddon” that is literally to take place in Israel.  Israel is a god to evangelicals. 

But Mr. Bush is a mere human and a tarnished politician.  Many evangelicals will sneak their vote quietly to Kerry if they are sure he loves Israel more than life itself, and if they are given a reason to believe that Bush is less sincerely pro-Israel than they once thought, and that he also broke the eighth Commandment by lying.  Mr. Kerry is said to have a Jewish brother vouching for his radical Zionism in Israel.  Strangely, he will rely on the Israel connection to get evangelical votes.

Some Christian-Zionists have been led to criticize Bush because he supported Ariel Sharon’s purely self-serving call to move 7000 “Settlers” out of Gaza.   How can anyone be more radically Zionist than Sharon?  Christian-Zionists are! 

Both Conventions will end up as Israeli love-ins catering to the same evangelical votes.  The lone exception is Carter’s brief, but powerful speech.  Democrats are not out to capture a few million Jewish votes that they know they already have, but to gain a near-split in the Christian-Zionists? vote needed to win.  Without a sweep Bush is a one term President like his Warmaker father.  With a modest split of this vote, Kerry is in. 

This writer is grateful that the Apostle Paul, who converted from Pharisaism to Christianity 2000 years ago, is not here to view the ugly sc讥 of 40 million churchgoers being reverted to pharisaic Christianity!  That the martyrs who died at the hand of high priests and the Roman imperial deity are spared seeing corruption of the life principle for which they gave themselves. 

Former President Carter also conducted himself bravely on the post Convention speech interviews.  When questioned by David Brooks, a senior editor of The New York Times, who was determined to break down Carter’s bold statement about Israel, Carter held fast and declared that not only was Bush unfair and unbalanced with the Palestinians but that Israel was a major cause of the Mideast dilemma.  These are words never before publicly declared at a major convention by a former President, or anyone else of this stature.  The smugly grinning Brooks, himself a “neo-con” apologist, was clearly of a mind to do battle with Carter, but Carter did not equivocate.  Therefore, it is unlikely we will hear any more about Mr. Carter’s speech from the media.

In fairness to truth it must be stated that Carter admitted, shamefully we think, that he supported the bombing of Afghanistan, but drew the line at Iraq.  It is also clear that Mr. Carter was himself pushed into a number of very bad war decisions while he was under the foreign policy pressure of the White House, and that he did precious little to free the Palestinians or to cut foreign aid for their oppressors when he had the chance to do so.  But we are grateful for the help now.

We Hold These Truths did not yield to this pressure, we opposed bombing anyone without knowing whom to blame.  We never let former President Bill Clinton off the hook for his six separate acts of war (count them) against the innocent, each of which advanced Israel’s use of brutality.

Do not expect a commitment from the Democrat Party or from Mr. Kerry to end serial wars. Nor will there be a commitment to end unconditional military for Israel, no matter how many Palestinians are starved in gulags.  There is no real commitment to Christ’s requirement of justice for all races and peoples, except in the fleeting glimpse we saw in Mr. Carter.  The Democrats want to end “terrorism” but unlike Mr. Carter, none have dared to ask “why they hate us.”  Instead they will now hear Joseph Lieberman, acting Zionist whip for the party.

We hold These Truths again shares with you what we wish the Democrats and Republicans would agree on.  We know they dare not.  The following are quotes from own paper delivered to the American people almost three years ago and only two days after the terrible Day 911. 

From DAY911 American Pay the Price

 by Charles E. Carlso

“We expect the U.S. political machine to respond immediately (after day 911) with demands for retaliation against Arab nations, who are Israel‘s enemies, for it (Day 911) alone has made Israel‘s enemies our enemies.”

“Now, for the first time, we American civilians are paying the price for our government’s policies and actions. Because other nations consider our government to be the world’s bully, America faces its worst economic crisis in 70 years.”

“The cause of the Day 911 destruction is the bullying, war-making tactics of those who control our own government toward multiple small and frail independent Arab states, including Palestine and Iraq.”

“The American taxpayers have provided almost $100 billion in documented direct foreign aid to Israel?more than $14,000 for every Jewish man, woman and child in Israel.”

“We must end our own acts of war against Arab populations, and, for that matter, against all other people who are not our immediate concern.”

 end quotes DAY911