Ariel Sharon is the subject of some strange controversies.  Pat Robertson has proclaimed that his stroke may be God taking His wrath on Sharon for being too generous to the Gaza Arabs: “He was dividing God’s land, and I would say, ‘Woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the [European Union], the United Nations or the United States.

Sharon strategically removed 6000 squatters from Gaza’s 20 odd squatter camp islands inside tiny little fenced in Gulag that houses 1.2 million Arabs.  Sharon’s generosity was self-serving.  At the very time he was withdrawing “settlers” from Gaza he ordered some 250 new homes built on bulldozed land in the West Bank for imported Israelis.

As a visitor, it’s easy to imagine how very difficult it is for Israel to maintain the camps, roughly equivalent to maintaining 20 girls’ school classes inside the cell block of a prison.  Every squatter, which is the correct name for those Jews who occupied Arab land inside Gaza, had the problem of what to do when he got a toothache or wanted to go to the movies.  Mr. Sharon had to dispatch armed guards to take each child to his ballet lesson, obviously very impractical.  So Sharon removed these militants, kicking and struggling, and called it a peace gesture. 

But this does not mean he ever sympathized with the Arab captives. On the day of his stroke AP reported in prominent Israeli Newspapers that “A defense minister, Sharon directed Israel’s ill-fated invasion of Lebanon in 1982 , and an Israeli commission found him indirectly responsible for a massacre of Palestinians in the Sabra and Chatilla refugee camps by Christian Phalangist soldiers.” Sharon often said he respected the Arabs in a grim sort of way, but he was perfectly willing to kill them all if public opinion would permit.

Ariel Sharon’s recent move toward perceived pacifism and his own newly formed political party is pure politics.  Everyone knows neither he nor his former pal, Robertson will change their stripes at the age of 75.  Sharon knows he would be re-elected if he acted the part of the peacemaker and ditch the image of the brutal Likud party, a party he himself started years ago.  But one must not forget that the bulldozers and the missile raid executions have not slowed Gaza during all the peace process blither.  Mr. Sharon is a consummate political animal.

The question now is, what does it mean for many in Israel who really want peace?  Amir Peretz may now have a chance to upset Benjamin Netanyahu.  In this case, Israel may actually act more peacefully. 

But do not forget where the real pressure for war comes from, the Christian Zionists, including this same Pat Robertson, and are the continuing enablers of war in the Middle East.  The reason?  They believe Israel is the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy and that it is unthinkable for any Palestinian to own or occupy one acre of land in the land of the Philistines where they want to stage Armageddon as soon as the Superbowl is decided.

If the Neo-Cons are the Warmakers, and the Likud party is the executioners, then the dispensational, Scofieldized, Christian Zionists are the enablers of death by war and assassination, forced imprisonment and suffering.  Shame on them.  Pat Robertson should let God decide for himself on Mr. Sharon’s fate, and watch for his own skin. It can be argued that Sharon is motivated by patriotism; what is Pat Roberson’s excuse?

Whatever Reverend Pat Robertson believes, his business is Scofieldism.  As practiced by Robertson, it is not Christianity but is a disease of Christianity that teaches followers to accept the worst kind of racism. It teaches each to acknowledge, if not to proclaim, the lordship of the State of Israel along side of Christ.  It allows each to trample upon the rights, even the lives of those who oppose the State of Israel. 

The immense distortions of Jesus Christ’s words defies imagination in its brazenness, and resulting in the continued brutality called “war” in the Middle East.  This distortion of Jesus’ words is an error made by the churches, but it is a business for Robertson who sold one of his “Christian” mega-businesses to Rupert Murdock for about 400 million dollars. Scofieldism is also the fulfillment of the purpose for those by which it (by whatever name you choose to call it) was artfully crafted.  It is one of the key links to an understanding of those who now control our lives…even what we once thought was our faith.

We Hold These Truths long ago labeled the controllers “the Warmakers.” Scofieldism is a part of the media, craftier than PBS or NBC.  Pat Robertson is a major player in the Zionist media.  He should not be ignored, or treated as an intellectual baboon and a religious kook, as Jay Leno views him. The control of Christians is a diabolically logical part of the warmaking machine.

A new religion, Scofieldism, was invented to make sure followers of Christ do not interfere with the plans of world Zionism.  Robertson is the embodiment of this religion, so determined that he condemns Sharon, a lifetime man of war, now on what may be his deathbed for making what is viewed by others as a small gesture toward peace.

We Hold These Truths asks you to do your part by following what Jesus said, not what Scofieldism tells us.  Please see our recent paper, The Sheep and the Goats, Part 1,

How a Bible Publisher Altered the Book to Promote Zionism and why Celebrity Leaders Bow, is placed on the desk and pulpit of every “Christian” leader in your sphere of influence, not once, but every day.  If you do not know how to do this, help us to do so over the Internet, by supporting us.

We have had a look at the sacrificial life of Jesus and recall his admonition to “pick up your cross and follow me.” We hope we are, and we can only invite your help.  Next: Sheep and the Goats, Part II: Seminaries

Join us on Sunday, January 8, 2006
At 8:30 AM to 12:00PM on the public sidewalks at
Calvary Chapel Tri City
2324 E Southern Ave, Tempe, AZ
480 947 3329

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