Australian journalist and filmmaker,
John Pilger, first made a documentary about the Israel/ Palestine conflict in 1977. After the second Palestinian Intifada (Arabic for “tremor”) in 2002, John Pilger returned to Palestine to make another groundbreaking documentary,
Palestine Is Still The Issue. Even after 14 years, this remarkable documentary is still valid about the ongoing Israel/ Palestine conflict where illegal Jewish settlements continue to expand into the West Bank of Palestine and an oppressive Israeli military occupation rules Palestinian lives every day. John interviews both Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs to expose the true nature of the conflict. This 52 minute documentary is a must watch, as are other John Pilger films that can be found at:
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Pilger documentary was moderate compared to other available alternative journalism. One still receives urgent needs from Jews for Jesus or CHristians for Jews. In the end one is discouraged to believe anything and this is the purpose of disinformation.
The Israeli comments here are not interesting since A JEw like there god can be “what ever they will be”. Pilger obviously is a objective journalist who suggests that Israeli discrimination is valid as their equivocal opinions.
This ” Palestine is still the QUestion” alludes to “Judaized Christianity Does Nor COnfuse God”.
The CHristian churches I have visited (36) in a provincial but very pious fundamentalist state have never discriminated covenants traditional described as old and new. Nor do they desire a New Testament , to know it nor discover it in the scripture.
As for the brief hiatus of “peace” one must wonder how much money Arafat , and Baruch received from the generous adulating presidents and why Henry Kissinger was not there to collect another Noble Peace Prize? I listened to other Pilger videos . Today when the monopoly Jewish media storms and is dark without rain , he does seem more responsible to provide an objective dryness that makes no pretense to provide water that should be found abundantly at the very source whose desolation he complains.