Zionism denies all basic teaching of Jesus and the Prophets
The church centered society that makes up the largest voting block in the US practices the reverse of what its leaders say they believe. American Southern Baptists and most non-denominational mega-bible-churches, often led by TV celebrities, have in common a profession that the Bible is the literal, inerrant word of God, preserved by His hand in context. But in practice leaders teach not from the words but from footnotes and commentaries to the bible written by various men who tell us what they think the bible means. Only by resorting to man made distortions are leaders able to support the Zionist political machine that thrives on war.
A growing list of fine authors recognize what this mere hundred year old sub-sect of supposed Christianity is doing, but unfortunately most of them have stopped short of explaining why and how Zionist leaders get away with it. Pastor John Hagee and novelist Tim Lehey are anything but literal in their reading of the Bible; rather they present the most fanciful and abusive distortion of Christ following ever seen on the planet, including Mormonism.
Once more there are too many Christian Zionist to be ignored. A Gallup poll May 25, 2007, stated that "about one-third of Americans today believe the Bible is absolutely accurate and that it should be taken literally word for word." Pew Foundation has repeatedly confirmed Gallup\’s number that adds up to about 100 million people. Other polls tell us these misled "literalists" tend to vote in a block generally identified today as Christian Right.
James Carroll, a first class journalist for the Boston Globe, gave us "Onward, Christian Zionists" on August 23, 2010, in which he observed "Christian Zionism is shorthand for the idea that the return of Jews to the Holy Land is a pre-requisite for the return of Jesus the Messiah, and the final redemption of the world." and " have been central players in the drama of Palestine for almost two centuries."
Carroll is dead on so far, and goes on to ask: "What if fundamentalism, in other words, is not the crime but the evidence — evidence of a destructive, yet widespread religious attitude that contributes to the political impasse that continues to stymie Palestinian and Israeli peace negotiators?"…and.. ."American Christian Zionism is a particularly lethal form of contemporary fundamentalism. Theologically uncritical and dangerously triumphalist, it is bad for Israel, Palestine, America, and peace."
Were it not for mega millions of misled Christian Zionists in America who support Israel\’s warmaking agenda in the Middle East there would be no occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan and Philistine, and children could sleep soundly in Lebanon, Iran and Gaza confident that no american made bombs would fall on their beds tonight.
Part II next Issue: A step further to look at the scriptures Christian Zionists claim to be relying on for their source of political truths showing there is no biblical support for Christian Zionism\’s political views in support of war. We will offer two of many examples of this from Chrisian Scripture.
Previous works of this author: Cause of the Conflict Charles E. Carlson Aug 07, 2002
Tragedy and the Turning: A Giant Leap of Faith? Aug 16, 2010