04/25/03:  Many persons in the Mideast consider America a Christian country because of the professions of certain leaders. A professing G. W. Bush followed a professing Bill Clinton. Some cynics think it must pay politically to profess. Americans, including some churched people, tell me they are puzzled about what Christianity is. Who could blame them?

George Bush and Paul Wolfowitz are not deceptive. They are promoters of serial wars and they make no pretenses about it. Mr. Wolfowitz is the front man for THE PROJECT FOR THE NEW CENTURY, described by none other than ABC Nightline, anchorman Ted Koppel, as a “Cabal” for war. What Israeli patriot Koppel failed to note is that the Cabal’s plan is an anti-Islamic war agenda on wheels, aimed at one Muslim country after another. The 90-page document, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses”  is now public for all to read.

The primary facilitators of serial wars, who are deceptively edging us toward it, call themselves Christian Zionists (CZ). We did not invent this term, they did. Christian Zionism is political and racist, pandering to a doctrine of Israeli’s superiority over others, supposedly as seen in God’s eyes. It follows that CZs hold to the inferiority of all other people (especially Arabs) to Israelis. Christ refuted this notion in his time and demonstrated it in his life.

Please read every word of the Zionist Leadership Summit Website for their upcoming, posh conference in Washington on May 17-18. The interfaith Zionist Leadership Summit for America and Israel states one purpose: “TO SOLIDIFY AND CHART THE FUTURE STRATEGY FOR THE EMERGING ALLIANCE OF JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS.” Sponsors and speakers include leading professing Christians. (http://zionistleadership.com or http://www.unitedjerusalem.org/index2.asp?id=292129)

We Hold These Truths says: “CHRISTIAN RACISM KILLS” It makes a god icon out of Israel, which makes war a certainty. There is no such thing as Christian Zionism because Zionism is by definition, racism. Any form of race hatred is not of Christ. CZ is a true oxymoron.

Jesus was paraphrased best by his apostle Paul who told followers that in God’s eyes: “THERE IS NO JEW NOR GREEK, THERE IS NO SLAVE NOR FREE, THERE IS NO MALE NOR FEMALE, FOR YOU ARE ALL ONE IN CHRIST JESUS. ” (Galatians 3:28) Why should God view us differently today?

This writer debated one of the sponsors on a public radio station KCRO AM Radio, Omaha earlier this year. The debated topic was “IS ISRAEL THE FULFILLMENT OF BIBLE PROPHESY?” I said “No”. Clarence Wagner of Bridges for Peace said “Yes”. This is the defining question in exposing Christian Zionists who universally believe this statement. The recorded tape is available.

Every statement from Christian patriarchs, starting with Jesus Christ, denies racism of any kind; His was and still is a doctrine of love and acceptance. Perhaps it is of these Judeo-Christian churchmen Jesus spoke of when he said: “MANY WILL SAY TO ME ON THAT DAY, ‘ LORD HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME, AND CAST OUT DEMONS IN YOUR NAME, AND DONE MANY WONDERS IN YOUR NAME?’ AND THEN I WILL DECLARE TO THEM, ‘I NEVER KNEW YOU, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS!’” (Matthew 7:22)
One of the Ten Commandments says: “THOU SHALL NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD IN VAIN.” Christian Zionism takes His name in vain by claiming to be of Him (hyphened Christians) when in fact they associate His name with what He died to end, hatred, murder, covertness, and lack of love for one’s brothers of a different tribe. The heresy of racism is ingrained in a large part of churchmanship in America.

Therefore it is past time to declare that AMERICA MAY HAVE ONCE BEEN BUT NO LONGER IS A CHRISTIAN NATION. Every church should be tested by those who support it to see if can be trusted to represent Jesus Christ.  We Hold These Truths does not test your church for you.  We only supply the litmus paper.  You must dip it and see if it turns pink or blue.