Neo-Christian, cult-like Christian Zionism is being exposed more frequently for what it really is, an aberrant version of traditional Christianity. In this program, Chuck Carlson, Tom Compton, Craig Hanson and Glen Lesnick of We Hold These Truths discuss an insightful article, “Zionism’s Un-Christian Bible” by Maidhc O Cathail, a journalist from Ireland. Mr. O Cathail’s article concludes with this thought, “But it is the people of the Middle East who have suffered most at the hands of an expansionist Israel, emboldened by the unswerving allegiance of America’s Christian Zionists who were led to believe that Scofield’s words were God’s will.” Here are the references mentioned in the program: “These Brothers of Mine: A Biblical Theology of Land and Family and a Response to Christian Zionism” (book and interview) by Dr. Rob Dalrymple. (27 mins.) Kudos to Maidhc O Cathail.
Maidhc O Cathail
Neo-Christians? I would hardly Classify these people as ”Christian”