Interview with Eileen Fleming
March 20, 2018, Tuesday night interviews WHTT.ORG, 6 PM Mountain Time, 8PM Eastern
Miss Fleming writes regularly for The Arab Daily News.
Two of her stories, The Rise of Christian Zionism and Vice President Mike Pence, and How Neo-Christian Zionists Infiltrated the West Wing, set the stage for this interview.
Your author was pleased to note that Eileen Fleming coined the term “neo-Christian” years before We Hold These Truths did, to describe Christian Zionism as an anything-but- traditional belief system. I found her 2007 story still being read and appreciated. (It’s also on her site).
Money politics, especially in the Trump Administration, is about war! A stunning, Financial Times of London (FT) story on March 15, exposes the Saudi war machine as massively more dangerous than we know. Clearly a bigger war is planned to rain down on Syria, Iran and what is left of the Middle East. Russia may be drawn in at a horrendeous cost, which will be piled upon us Americans. We need to expose the war machine because we are to be its last victim.
I hope we may be able to do follow-up programs with Miss Fleming to cover expanded issues, including the undeniable Jewish Zionists’ deception of promoting Dispensationalism as “traditional” Christianity, in support of Israel’s wars.
You might prepare by reading in advance the following linked stories.
Eileen wrote in part: “Christian Zionism is an extremist Christian movement, which supports the claims of those who believe that the State of Israel should take control of all of the land currently disputed between Palestinians and Israelis.”
“Christian Zionists view the creation and expansion of the modern state of Israel as a fulfillment of biblical prophesies toward the second coming of Jesus.”
“Christian Zionism is a modern theological and political movement that embraces the most extreme ideological positions of Zionism, thereby becoming detrimental to a just peace within Palestine and Israel.”
“The Christian Zionist program provides a worldview where the Gospel is identified with the ideology of empire, colonialism and militarism. In its extreme form, it places an emphasis on apocalyptic events leading to the end of history rather than living Christ’s love and justice today.”
Miss Fleming is not new to this subject.
How Neo-Christian Zionists Infiltrated the West Wing, dated May 24, 2007, is still timely. ; also found at
She is well versed on how Christian Zionism has supported the growth of Israel’s militarism in the Middle East, including its connection to the 1967 bombing of the USS Liberty, which also she discusses.
Please read the following “bootlegged” copy of the FT expose on Saudi Arabia, a world power war machine, and, as this author believes, Israel’s secret proxy. (Stats and charts by
Saudi Arabia Beefs Up Domestic Defense Industry Plans
David Levi, Friends of Israel, watch Dispensationalism
By Father Ralph Gorman, C.P.
Published in The Sign, April 1957
Readers often ask why I am so interested in the Near East and especially the Holy Land. If I may be excused for the injection of the personal on this page, I would like to answer that question.
For three years I did postgraduate studies at the famous Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem under Pere Lagrange and other great masters of Sacred Scripture as well as of the archeology, geography and history of Palestine. We students studied every nook and corner of the city of Jerusalem. Afoot, on donkey, on horseback and by car, we traveled back and forth over every mile of the Holy Land.
That was from 1925 to 1928. Palestine was an Arab country. You could travel from Gaza or Beersheba in the south to the borders of Syria on the north, or from Jaffa or Haifa on the Mediterranean you could journey eastward beyond the Sea of Galilee or to the Mountains of Moab and scarcely meet a Jew. There were a few. Tel Aviv was hardly more than a village. Some Jews had congregated in sections of cities like Jerusalem, Haifa and Jaffa. A few agricultural colonies of Zionists were scattered here and there on the fertile plains.
But the people of the country were Arabs, the people who owned and cultivated the land were Arabs, the people of the towns and cities were Arabs. It was an Arab country, unquestionably and unreservedly.
Editorial business for the magazine brought me back to the Holy Land in the spring of 1953. The southern, western and northern parts of the country had been taken over by strangers from Eastern Europe whose only claim to the territory was that their ancestors had lived there 2000 years before. The plains along the Mediterranean and from Haifa to the Sea of Galilee, the only real fertile areas, covered formerly by Arab farms and gardens and vineyards and orange groves, were all occupied by these strangers. In the cities, the homes, the shops, the public services, everything had been taken over by the invaders.
Where were the Arabs who had been born here, whose ancestors had come into this land a thousand years before, who had lived and worked and worshipped all their lives in this once peaceful part of the Holy Land?
They were gone. They were now huddled in forlorn refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Gaza. I visited the refugees. Not all, to be sure, because there are nearly a million of them. Whole families – men, women and children – were huddled together in the single room of a miserable hut or in tents. Many of them had been fairly well off. Now, they were without property, without money, without work, living a day-to-day existence on a miserable dole from the UN.
For nearly ten years now they have suffered this inhuman fate. The spirit seems gone out of them except when you mention their homes, or lands, or vineyards, or shops and they look over the hills to where they once lived, and their eyes burn with hatred and a thirst for revenge.
The Near East is important to the survival of West because of its oil and its strategic position. But it is important to the West too because here an awful wrong has been done – almost comparable to Hitler’s treatment of the Jews – and it has been with our connivance and co-operation. If the blood of Abel cried to God from the earth, no less do the tears of these hopeless people. They know that our leaders helped to sell them into this misery, partly from ignorance but also for Jewish votes and for Jewish dollars in the coffers of the party treasury.
Statesman can talk as much as they like about the Gaza Strip and about the Aswan Dam and the Suez Canal and oil and strategy. It will all be to no avail unless we right this awful wrong, to make reparation for this crime that is almost genocide. This must be a first step to real peace in the Near East.
If we fail, if we haven’t the moral courage to expiate the sin we share with the Zionist invaders, we may share their punishment, too. We could lose the Near East to the Russians and make war, possibly a losing war, almost inevitable. The anti-Semitism that would result would be a disaster not only for Israel but for Jews all over the world.
The blood of Abel didn’t cry out to God in vain nor will the tears of the Arab refugees.