Responses to “Peace Mongers at Church”

Now one’s from all side’s we think it is being widely circulated, and with a special thanks from Project Strait Gate.

JACK WRITES to his Christmas card list about Project Strait Gate
Christmas, 2004


For centuries, ‘old men have been sending young men off to fight wars.’  And for more than fifty years in the United States, they are undeclared wars.  And, we are told by these same old men, these wars are ‘in the national interest,’ and for the purpose of the New World Order, as President Bush I so freely admitted.  This may be news to you, but there is nothing Godly nor peaceful nor pro-life in the New World Order.

We pro-life Christians pray for peace, and many pray for President Bush (who proclaims his commitment to the unborn and the innocent) even as he carries out an undeclared war against many innocent Iraqi men, women and children; and just as preceding Presidents have killed innocent Belgrade men, women and children, and innocent Palestinian men, women and children.

How is this a ‘pro-life’ position?  How can we be pro-life for the unborn and yet support and defend the killing of so many other innocents?  Remember, it is widely considered that evangelical, pro-life Christians were the margin of victory for ‘pro-life’ President Bush.

Who are the peacemakers?

I have a long-time (pro-life Christian) friend who has dedicated himself to peaceful vigils, to re-educating evangelicals (be they individuals, churches, other ministries) who proclaim to support President Bush as he wages undeclared wars on the innocent in Iraq and wherever.

My friend is considered an extremist. I think he is a peacemaker.

Are you a peacemaker? 

Are you a peacemaker as Christ would have you be?  Have you made your peace with Christ?


Praise God for your ministry!  Jack




God bless you Mr. Carlson [and all other truth tellers, whoever  and wherever you may be].


Your mission is for humanity’s benefit and in accordance with all that is moderate and correct.

More and more people are familiarizing themselves with your [and others’] opinions and

truths. Whatever we may face in terms of criticism, we must all hold fast to God’s Divine

Principles and Directives [whoever and wherever we may be]. Choosing always the middle way


Our Unity will ultimately stem from our individual and socially collective belief in the One True God, His Creations, His Guidance and His Provision for mankind while here on earth. Those marginally different applications within Divine Faith groups are small, while that which is common to all constitutes the majority. Let us pray that the sane, moderate majority, who understand the common good, can join hands [literally or metaphorically] for the safety of humanity here on earth – and earth itself.


With respect and In peace – Sofia [UK]



Thank you for all these messages.  It redeems the values I was taught as a Christian, and that is love thy neighbor, along with the story of the Good Samaritan, and other valuable parables.  As a TRUE Christian I decry war and all of its savagery.  Christ is indeed The Prince of Peace.  I think that what we are seeing today is no more than Satan and his helpers abounding in this country, cloaking themselves in “religious” clothing, but carrying out evil deeds.  What a heinous sin to defile the Lord’s Goodness by brainwashed dupes who can’t see blatant lies.  How can anyone read the New Testament and not see clear contradictions.  It is sad, but I think the lack of intellectual caliber is to blame combined with lack of conscienceless.  One cannot espouse the killing of another human being without invoking the will of the devil.  Thank you for all the work you do.




Please do not send me anymore of this garbage, If all you want to do is be negative. Praise God for Israel. Falwell, thank God for our soldiers fighting in Iraaq, thank God the country is free from a ruthless  thug, and pray for the people of Zion, Israel.


(Parts unknown)

How was that for a uplifting start! 


Date: 12/14/2004

Subject: Re: PHARISEE WATCH: Peace Mongers at Church


Amen, brothers and sisters, keep up the good work!


Are there any registered peace mongers in Lancaster County?

Pennsylvania, deep in the heart of “peace-church” country where in

This last election Republicans were successfully impressing upon some

Poor misguided Amish that they ought to vote for “the mouth speaking

Arrogantly” (the Amish have traditionally never voted).

in Christ, Stephen


Mr. Carlson, As salam alikum

May the almighty God help us all and He will if we remain persist and I see in you and your group.  As this was conveyed by the almighty God to all His messengers (peace be upon them all) “Your job is to convey the message and leave  the rest to me”.  Godwilling, one day may be we all will see and may be not, but the truth will overcome and it will overcome the  falsehood.  My family sends their regards to you and your family and they  always enquire about you, please let me when you plan to be in this area.



JERRY (who pickets) WRITES

Dear Chuck,

Once again, you are on the intelligent and thought-provoking end of the argument; what a surprise!  This is a wonderful treatise.  Would that all thoughtful and Christ-believers would read and think about who is promoting the, ” Neo-Crusade”.  What an excellent term for the serial-wars brought to us Americans, just as in days past, that, “My God is better than your God.!”  How it is that mankind never learns the lessons of history astounds me.  Thanks for another great piece of “ammo” to use in our own little war. 

Jerry Phoenix


Dear Chuck – I was absolutely thrilled to see your article on and directing people to Jews Against Zionism.   I am so outraged with this Zionism” and the pre-trib rapture which do go hand in hand.  I hate lies.  The liar is a manslayer. 




If you want to write to any of the above use ( we will forward.


Thank you (at least most of you) for your words of encouragement on behalf of the eight who were in front of Calvary Tri-City Church at Thanksgiving week, and those who will be on a Vigil again this Sunday.  You may join us if you are near Phoenix, and we hope all the vigil teams will be out. 


Special thanks for the encouragement and the prayers from several Muslim friends around the world.  An almost new mosque suspiciously burned to the ground last week in suburban Glendale, AZ, and other vandalism has been felt in Arizona.  We have yet to find out how many those nine or ten military court marshaled so far in Iraq for torture of prisoners are professing Christians. Don’t be too surprised.  The smoke from the anti-Islamic vandalism is on the hands of celebrity church leaders, as is the bombings of Iraqis, and so is the failing, military morality fed by anti-Islamic hatred spewing from the Judaized churches.


My prayer is that those who are encouraged by what we do will start Vigil teams wherever you are. The ladies and children make we guys appear more peace seeking by their presence. 


Only two people are needed to start a Vigil. Project Strait Gate can provide the basic signs, all the literature you need, and we even can tell you what to do. Sometimes we can even send someone to lead you through the first Vigil.  I like to go and it is very important.


Based on the favorable response, we now plan to send this Peace Mongers at Church story to a lot of church leaders, we have about 100,000 addresses in one state, Florida.  We appeal to you to take seriously our need for monthly financial pledges, no matter how large or small, to sustain our e-mailing expansion. 


Vigils at churches cost little, only professional signs and printing, and a great outpouring of human energy.  Out our e-mail campaigns, by contrast, elevate the number reached enormously with little human energy, but require some capital.  If you want to learn more details of our operation, please send a note to  Include your address and phone number.


If your writer seem sound harsh in treating our men at the pulpit, I suggest you read this account from the Mayer of Bethlehem, who I would guess to be a follower of Christ, though, the story does not say, and it does not really matter.


Toward the strait gate,

Charles E. Carlson


Vigil Literature available in printed form, also view the signs available


ZION‘S SECRET: The Slaughter of Innocent Israeli Babies (flier on remnant abortion in Israle)

ARE YOUR REALLY PRO-LIFE, does Iraqi child Tibia Ahamad have a right to live?

(Bible bookmark for churchgoers)




Also available in print:

The Pastor and his Son– why do we support Isael (flier)