This powerful and inspiring 25 minute message, “Love in the Midst of Animosity” delivered by Sami Awad, a Palestinian Christian from Bethlehem, needs to be heard by all American Christians who claim to be followers of Christ. Sami speaks about the command of Christ to even love your enemies. Sami is well qualified to talk about this command since his family lost their home in 1948 when Israel was founded, and his grandfather, a noncombatant, was killed by Jewish forces.  Palestinians, whether Christians or Muslims, continue to suffer under a brutal Israeli military occupation today. Sadly, most American Christians only know and believe the Israeli side of the story. Wouldn’t it be a miracle if Christian Zionists would open their eyes to the suffering and hardship endured by their Palestinian brothers and sisters in Christ and show compassion for both sides equally? Sami Awad is the founder of the Holy Land Trust, a peacemaking organization based in Bethlehem. This message was delivered at the Mountain View Presbyterian Church in Scottsdale, AZ on Sept. 21, 2014.