Publisher’s Note:  Author Jim Taylor is an American WWII veteran who has traveled in every Mideast county, lived and worked in Iraq and Syria, and is author of several insightful books about the Mideast people, events and leader. Among those he has interviewed are Sadam Hussein and Osama in Laden, Muammar Khadafy.

In his quest for world domination (and his re-election) President George W. Bush is now threatening to destroy countries from Iraq to Indonesia. The U. S. has already brutally killed innocent Pakistan and Afghanistan. Now our popular President wants to destroy North Korea, Indonesia and the Philippines. Is there no safe refuge from American bombs?

The President wants more wars despite the fact that former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright’s Pew Research Center shows that 275 world leaders are against his plans and believe that America’s own policies caused the Sept. 11 attacks. Why do you think people from London to Rome are demonstrating against American action in Afghanistan? The survey shows that over 70 percent of those interviewed in other countries believe it is a good thing that the US suffered a wake-up attack so that American policies can be corrected worldwide.
There is no legal way that John Walker can be tried for treason. He is not guilty of any crimes against the United States of America.
He joined the Taliban for purely religious reasons. At the time he joined, the U.S. was not at war with the Taliban or any other faction in Afghanistan. In fact, the U. S. was very proud of the Taliban and applauded their efforts to rid the country of the Russians and paid them to do so with cash and many weapons. Walker had no relations with Osama bin Laden or any terrorist camps. He did not attack any U. S. forces. It was the other way around. Americans attacked his group. Well, they actually did not attack, but stood back at safe distance and urged the Northern Alliance forces to do the dangerous part. He was attacked while a wounded prisoner of war. He never gave up his citizenship nor verbally attacked the U. S.
The Stinger missiles used by the Taliban against the Russians and Communist Afghan tribes were gifts from America. Members of Congress called the Taliban our greatest friends in the world. At that time the U S publicly denounced the Northern Alliance as a group of Communists, thieves, dope peddlers and assorted criminals of the worst sort.
Then a funny thing happened on the way to war. The U. S. suddenly switched sides and began deriding the Taliban and praising the very group our government had despised vehemently, the hated Northern Alliance. I guess one could conclude that it does not pay to be a friend of the USA. It certainly wasn’t John Walker who changed sides. It was the U S.  And just because he didn’t also change sides, he is to be punished. How ridiculous!  And how illegal to charge him with anything.
If the U S government really wants to try those who are really guilty of fighting against their nation, it should put on trial the Americans who fought for Israel against the United States of America by attacking the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967.
In the 1950s Congress passed a law making it illegal for Americans to serve in the armed forces of another country. Of course, under this law Israel is not exempt. But in practice none of the many Americans who have joined the Israeli Defense Force have ever been arrested or even called disloyal to their own country. That’s the last thing any U.S. court would ever do. It’s not legal! It’s not fair! But that’s how it is today.
Every agency of the U. S government is too frightened to ever go against Israel in any matter. And that is why you have so many votes of 159 to 2 in the U. N., with, of course, the U. S. and Israel being the two dissenters. The U. S. constantly uses its Security Council veto to stop any resolution concerning Israel. It is automatic.
In other words, the United States is more pro-Israel than either American Jews or the people of Israel. Abject fear does this to our nation.
During the Clinton administration, three of the five cabinet members who ran the country were reserve officers in the Israeli Army. What that means is that Israeli officers were running the entire U S government. Yet no one complained.
Another manner in which Americans are totally controlled is through religious propaganda myths such as the “chosen people” myth. Jewish leaders laugh about how many Americans have voluntarily made slaves of themselves. For instance, in one of my books, there is a photo of an unfortunate 12-year old Palestinian boy whose right eye was cut out by an Israeli soldier using an American Army knife paid for by U.S. taxpayers. I do not like for my tax money to be used for such purposes. But a survey shows that many very religious Americans are not at all upset by it. I have asked the people who are dumb enough to be followers of Rev. Jerry Falwell and Rev. Pat Robertson about this incident. And guess what they told me? These highly brainwashed individuals told me that such atrocities are completely justified. They all agreed that it was perfectly all right for this boy to lose his eye because it was God’s will that this be done and therefore not a crime at all. Of course, the combined I.Q.s of such followers of Israel can not be sorted out and notarized because it is so low that it cannot be counted.
President Bush, the defense secretary, and all other U. S. officials are conning the public on a daily basis in a vain attempt to get them to believe Pakistan is a willing partner in the Afghan War. Nothing could be farther from the truth. And both nations are officially lying to their respective people.
At least 90 percent of the people of Pakistan were dead-set against the U. S. invasion of Afghanistan. Only the controlled press, the President and his staff members wanted such a close alliance with the U. S. And it has required the entire army of Pakistan to prevent an uprising against the government. Also, the fact that America has promised to pay Pakistan billions of dollars if that nation played stooge to the U. S. and carried out every order given by the Americans who now occupy and control it, was instrumental, too.
To confuse the situation even more, it should be remembered that before Sept. 11 the U.S. was proclaiming to the world that Pakistan was one of the greatest terrorist nations on earth. And the U. S. still maintains strict sanctions against Pakistan even while all this close cooperation is going on. It was only after the big bully in Washington decided it desperately needed Pakistan for the invasion that the U. S. changed its attitude toward Pakistan. The Pakistanis may not know that this is only a temporary “friendship” and that when the U. S. no longer needs Pakistan, our government will revert back to condemning Pakistan as an enemy state engaged in terrorism.
This is also the first war in which the entire news media has cooperated with our government totally and followed the White House line without a hint of dissent. Heretofore, the news media investigated and called the government’s hand on such matters. But not this time. The newspapers and television reports simply echo and agree with every blatant lie put out by the White House. That’s why there has been little or no mention of the thousands of innocent civilians killed by American bombs. No one dares to let the American public know about all the hospitals destroyed, schools destroyed, and even the repeated bombing of Red Cross facilities. Whatever our government said or does in Afghanistan is taken as gospel truth by the news people there. Total support for this war of aggression would falter if the truth were known.
Both the CIA and the White House have made a monstrous creation of Osama bin Laden in the eyes of the public. All this sounds like schoolyard taunts: he’s gaunt, he’s sick, he’s a coward, etc.
The fact that bin Laden has so far escaped the most sophisticated and powerful nation in the world is a defeat for the United States. Every day that he continues to outwit the American is a victory for him.
More to the point is the basic ignorance of the American people. The CIA played a role in arming, financing and training the anti-Soviet Taliban, which came to include bin Laden. When the monster turned on its creator, the American public was shocked. As long as bin Laden fought the great Soviet devil, he was good in U. S. eyes but when he also fought the U. S. devil he was evil. When anti-Soviet fighters like bin Laden attacked and killed Russians, he was a hero to the U S, a freedom fighter filmed by network television and praised by America. It all depends on which civilians he kills. We go nuts when people like bin Laden do to us what we trained people like him to do to others. The truly astonishing thing is that the U. S. did not realize that one day, people like bin Laden would turn against America. The CIA just didn’t do their theology homework or listen to what bin Laden was saying back then. Frankenstein, in the person of the CIA, created a monster who turned on its creator. Surprise, surprise!
He is not a man with God-like powers. He is not omnipotent. He is incapable of producing miracles. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him or any person to control actions all over the globe as Washington claims. Our government has accused this man of crimes in 50 different countries in an effort to make a great Satan of him, so as to get backing for continuing this war until after the next federal election.
The fact is that there are 10,000 other groups worldwide who hate the asinine, one-sided U. S. foreign policy in the Mideast enough to do anything to change it. And not all of these organizations are Arab or Muslim. Various groups in Europe, Japan, South America and even Australia have turned against the U S with a vengeance in their hearts.
But the biggest propaganda lie being disseminated right now by Hollywood and the military is the one about more than 5,000 well-trained troops in Somalia defeating the U. S. Army’s finest units in the movie, “Black Hawk Down.” Actually it was a rag-tag bunch of untrained civilians, mostly teen-agers with old-model weapons who defeated the U. S. Army’s finest.
No one ever heard of any up-to-date army in that forlorn and desolate African country which is so poor it cannot feed itself let alone pay for a modern army. But, I suppose, the American public will believe this false tale. -End
Author Jim Taylor’s books, Pearl Harbor II, The Story Of The Sneak Attack By Israelis on The U.S. S. Liberty, June 8,1967, and Khadafy, Man or Myth, the Libyan Revolt, were published in England. Mr. Taylor was an Editor for TV Guide for 25 years.  He states he was fired because of his strong stance in favor of the Palestinian people. He now lives Arizona.  Several audiotapes featuring Jim Taylor are offered on our bookstore