Palestinian Christians are slowly being forced out of Israel whether they are Israeli citizens who are subjected to at least 65 laws that discriminate against them or being surrounded and slowly forced from their lands by over 600,000 illegal settlers in the West Bank of Palestine.

This powerful video is about Palestinian Christians’ plight and originally was aired on a CBS 60 Minutes segment presented by Bob Simon in 2012. CBS has removed it (see: ), but we were able to obtain a copy. In the 60 Minutes segment, Bob Simon interviews Michael Oren, Israeli Ambassador to the US, who had tried to stop the story even before it was known what would be in it. The Jerusalem Post took Bob Simon, who is Jewish, to task in their article, “Bob Simon & CBS throw the Jews to the lions.”

In the segment Bob Simon talks about the “Kairos Palestine” document by Palestinian Christian leaders who introduce it: “We, a group of Christian Palestinians, after prayer, reflection and an exchange of opinion, cry out from within the suffering in our country, under the Israeli occupation, with a cry of hope in the absence of all hope, a cry full of prayer and faith in a God ever vigilant, in God’s divine providence for all the inhabitants of this land. Inspired by the mystery of God’s love for all, the mystery of God’s divine presence in the history of all peoples and, in a particular way, in the history of our country, we proclaim our word based on our Christian faith and our sense of Palestinian belonging – a word of faith, hope, and love.”

Sadly, many evangelical Christians don’t realize that their Palestinian Christians are being threatened. Also, please check out our video, “Listening to the “Living Stones of the Holy Land: Palestinian Christians.”