In A Confusing World of Deception…Always Mistrust the Obvious

850 Elm Grove Road, Suite 16
Elm Grove, WI 53122-2577
Tel.: 414-938-0825; Fax: 414-938-0829


To: Other Christian pro-family organizations and leaders
Re: Freedom from Religious Persecution Act of 1997 (HR2431)
When we first saw a memo from a pro-life Arizona organization, as relayed to us out of California, terms like “wolf in sheep’s clothing” or even “Trojan horse” quickly came to mind. Further review and research HR2431 (formerly 1685), the Freedom from Religious Persecution Act of 1997 is in all likelihood a monstrous trap for Christians and Christian organizations who strongly wish to support persecuted brethren around the world.
Because a vote on this bill could be forthcoming at almost any time, we would urge you to review this alert and enclosed memo as rapidly as possible and decide whether your organization wishes to join ours in opposing – as opposed to supporting – what we consider to be a dangerous piece of “New World Order” implementing legislation, albeit perhaps innocently advocated by the Congressman who introduced and co-sponsored it.
As you read the enclosed memo, please be aware of two things:
We have read through the draft of HR2431 in its entirety and see significant “traps” and dangers which would not have been obvious had we not read the legislation but merely “signed onto” the laudable, indeed very important goal.
P.I.N. (Parent Information Network) has specialized in researching the topic of the UN