Thank you, old and new friends in California, for your help and hospitality in San Diego and the Los Angeles area last week end. And thanks to those of you who wrote to tell us you were praying for us while we were challenging Graham and son, Franklin, in front of their enormous audience. Our new signs read:



Our appearance at the Billy Graham extravaganza (which he used to aptly call “crusades”) was a success in several respects. First of all we did it. It is an accomplishment for a handful of people to simply show up with big signs before 50,000 people who are wondering why you are there and have been taught not to like your message! Many saw our vigil.

We were also fortified by several Pro-life (anti-abortion) groups who were there. Some of these pro-life organizations are only now starting to recognize the hypocrisy of people like Graham and others who give lip service only to the unborn and not to the born being killed. Many of them now realize there is something wrong in the evangelical churches but have yet to make the obvious and natural connection between the life of the unborn child in America and the rights of the born child in Iraq and Palestine who is being systematically bombed and starved.

We Hold These Truths will make the further education of Pro-Life Christians a priority project because the pro-life movement is, for the most part, organized, dedicated, and action-oriented. Like most churchgoers, they are just a little confused about who their natural allies are. For instance, they know that most Muslims are devoutly opposed to abortion but they fail to see them as an ally against Zionism, the most powerful pro-abortion lobby in the world. We will try to point this out.

One of their Pro-Life signs in big red letters asked:


We know the answer to this question, and part of it will surprise those who ask it. Abortion is a way of life in Israel, and is not only paid for but is performed by the government. Zionists want the church to be silent on killing the unborn!

Here are the articles your “Right To Life Friend” needs to read, Abortion and the Echoes of Silent Assent, Part 2, Unholy Alliance Celebrity Christians and the Republican Party (http// After talking to a good sample of the passersby from Billy Graham’s huge crowd we all came away in agreement that with absolute certainty the evangelical Christian leaders are the root of the war problem in America. It is here that permanent change must send down it roots.

We enjoyed a grand talk about it over a late dinner. I wish each of you, who wanted to be there, could have been there. Again thank you for your prayers, for buying books, and for providing contributions to make this possible.

We will soon release a paper on the influences of Billy Graham, the Pharisee who has blessed every war for the last 40 years, and who shares the responsibility for the spilling of the innocent blood of untold numbers of people, all in the name of “peace”.

Billy Graham stood with Papa George Herbert Walker Bush at a news conference on January 16, 1991, and placed his blessing on the first, needless and brutal gulf slaughter. Billy Graham made a general statement about Christians being peacemakers, then switched abruptly to say “There comes a time when we must fight for peace.” Graham went on to say, “perhaps, out of this war (which was to begin a few hours later) will come a new peace and – as has been stated by the President- a new world order.” endnote(1)

Graham also blessed Baby Bush and the terrible slaughter in Iraq that has yet to end. This writer (while not wishing to judge or not being qualified to judge Billy’s “eternal security”) believes Mr. Graham is exactly what Jesus was talking about when he recited the 10 Commandments from the book of Deuteronomy. The First of which is clearly stated, “thou shall not take the name of the lord thy God in vain for the lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.”

Billy Graham, that means you and your son Franklin. You must not be claiming to be a Christian if you are, in fact, acting the role of a Pharisee, a war enabler for generations of political Warmakers. A sure litmus test is this if one holds life cheaply, one is not of God. The Pro-Life people have also figured this out. If anyone has ever taken God’s Holy name in vain it is the “christian racists” for Jesus denied racism in any shade.

Project Strait Gate also held a Sunday morning vigil at a community church in Osborn, California that has a reputation as being especially racist. The church leadership of the “Neighborhood Church” demanded that we depart less we bring “division and injury” to the church. When this did not cause us to budge they called the police, and according to the officer the church leaders “bore false witness” (ninth commandment) alleging trespassing on church property and harassment of the membership. But the story did not sell to the street-wise cop that pointed out the public property and the right-of-ways where he said we have a right to be and then went his way in search of real criminals. It is important to follow the rules of Project Strait Gate when you go to a church.

Project Strait Gate now has a unit in North Los Angeles that is planning vigils at the church of John McArthur. He was recently invited to the Whitehouse to add his blessing to operation SHOCK AND AWE. MacArthur is an up-and-coming young Billy Graham in every respect and has even edited his own heretical study bible with about 1100 pages of footnotes, many false and misleading, and racist (Zionist).

John MacArthur even challenges and reinterprets the words of Paul and Jesus himself, something the venerable forger Scofield stopped short of. MacArthur’s home church should be picketed every Sunday until all the US military return home. This project will be very capably coordinated by Irene, a lady brave enough to have toured and strayed in the occupied territories of Palestine by herself last year. Her address is (

Three of those we met in California have told us they will be traveling to Phoenix in June to help with our vigil at the Southern Baptist Convention on June 17-19. We will find accommodation for any who wants to come. Airline tickets are a bargain right now.

Two of those who blended into our groups told us they are dedicated Muslims who want to let the American churches know they do not accept the hate language of Billy and Franklin Graham against their religion and their racial slurs against Arabs to go unchallenged. They were polite and proper, and we welcome others.


WHTT is at the very threshold of becoming one of the effective voices of reason in the hate-filled theater where once Christ’s words of peace prevailed. We need your continued help in every possible way. May God bless you as you, like me, falteringly proceed as Jesus demands.

Endnote(1) Billy Graham’s zero-hour press conference on January 16, 1991, with President (Papa) Bush was covered by Norme Lengley and Leon Frellich of Star Magazine in its February 6, 1991, issue.