Chuck Carlson
Israel’s “Solution to Gaza Problem” Exposed [Update to “Israel’s Ongoing Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza“]
It has become common to speak of “genocide” in Gaza, but most writers use the term metaphorically. Genocide is a harsh choice of words, meaning Israel is killing lots of people with intent. But most writers assume when it is over, Israel will retire to its side of the fence, and the survivors will go home to the rubble and rebuild…until the next time.
However, a true genocide is occurring in Gaza, an ethnic cleansing. Israel is deliberately killing vast numbers of helpless women and children in UN shelters, hospitals, and dense neighborhoods, not, in most cases, to get at Hamas, but in order to traumatize survivors. The Gazans are to know that they are never safe anywhere, and they can not look to help from anyone, especially not the USA. Genocide means Israel does not intend to stop, not this time. Truces to Israel mean punctuation pauses in the slaughter to cool off sentiment against them, between waves. They will restart, so long as there is anyone left in Gaza…Israel’s genocide will not stop unless they are forced to stop.
Israel will announce that Hamas fired more rockets “which never seem to hit anything,” as one prominent Jewish observer wrote, or it will announce that someone entered their land through a tunnel, or it will use some other excuse that will never be investigated by our media or government. If the UN investigates, they will be ignored, or their findings will be vetoed by the US delegate. Whatever Israel announces will be duly reported as fact by the US and UK press. This is the pattern already set in stone.
Until the world admits Israel’s objective is ethnic cleansing, as spelled out all too clearly by influential members of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s own Likud party and popular leaders in the Knesset, there will be no end to this genocide. Moshe Feiglin, a top Israeli official wrote “My Outline for a Solution for Gaza”, which explains why Israel must kill everyone who will not leave even though it is impossible to leave. To accomplish this, Israel is irreparably destroying the infrastructure needed for life.
An Israeli army reservist officer, back on camera, wearing a T-shirt referring to the Israeli forces’ operations during the war in Gaza… speaks volumes about the prevailing attitude of many Israelis about Palestinians. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis-8/13/3014)
Perhaps more shocking than Israel’s “solution” is the fact that the majority of Israel’s Jewish citizens seem to support the notion of ethnic cleansing. How do we know this? Because political leaders who call for genocide continue to be elected and promoted to higher national office. These include Vice Speaker of the Knesset Moshe Feiglin, popular member Ayelet Shaked, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who are carrying out the program in front of our eyes. The Israeli public accepts this policy of genocide without a flinch. Israel, however, it may have begun in 1947, has become a culture of death.
Gaza by contrast, is a culture of children. Gazans act like they love life. Anyone who goes there and stays long enough to meet native Philistines will surely fall in love with the Gazan children, as I did. This is why Israelis will not allow you to go, making it difficult even 12 years ago, and now all but impossible. The child culture and the death culture are separated by an impenetrable fence. This can best be seen by the amazing difference in family size and structure of the two people. Let us compare Tel Aviv to Gaza City, using Israel’s demographic numbers for the former and United Nations numbers for Gaza. The average Tel Aviv family has 1.2 children, the lowest number cited in the Israel census; in other areas, the number is slightly higher among Jewish families, about 1.5 children per Jewish home.
By contrast, the fertility rate of Gaza women is an incredible 5.7 children per mother, almost four times the rate for Tel Aviv married females. Because of the amazing rate of birth, the average age of Gazans is a little over 17 plus years old, which is why the population has swelled to over 1.8 million in an area of only 365 sq. km.
I met two construction workers on a job site in Gaza City when I visited there in 2002. They made coffee for me on a Bunsen burner in their work shack while we talked about our families. The older man consoled me when he found out how few children I had fathered, and assured me God would reward me in some other way. He had eight children, and the younger man, perhaps mid 40s, had 23 from two wives. I believed him because he proudly introduced me to a good number of his boys, a whole team of them, who hung out with him around the construction site playing soccer in the vacant grounds.
We discussed abortion in Gaza. Neither had ever heard of it there, an unknown and unsavory topic that horrified both. As much as they feared the US bombs that Israelis were dropping frequently, my stories about US abortions seemed more shocking. In Gaza the family is everything, the culture is life, and each child a gift of God, not to be wasted.
Conversely, the exclusive Jewish state is everything, and its policy is death. How did it get that way? First, let’s look at the attitude toward birth. Anti-abortion organizations are present in Israel, and resist the government’s public policy. Abortions are free for most and paid legal abortion anytime for all. Most Israeli girls must serve in the military, and abortion is rarely discussed but is said to be an epidemic there, callousing the youth to death. No wonder everyday acts by the military are so shocking, such as the young Israeli sniper who boasted on his Facebook site a few days ago that he killed 13 Gaza children in one day. Jewish Israel is a culture trained and hardened in dehumanizing both their own unborn, and “Arab” children of any age. Some of the bombings have been reported to kill as many as 9 children in one family.
Almost everyone in Israel has undergone military training, so It is little wonder that Israel’s politicians find they can speak openly of genocide while retaining and increasing their public popularity and prestige. Israeli military veterans generally consider Arabs sub-human, and many say so openly. In English, it’s, “those animals.” To the Israelis, the genocide of the Philistines means life for themselves and for their racist state. Killing “Arabs” has been ground into them through three generations of conscription, murder, and occupation of their neighbors. They are trained and steeled to hate, and they isolate themselves from understanding family life in Gaza. If they understood it, it would be impossible to hate, and, without hate, there would be no genocide.
Summing Up (conclusion from “Israel’s Ongoing Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza“ )
The present raid on Gaza is much more than “collective punishment” against the rock throwers, rocket makers, and shooters. It is a program to destroy the last vestige of infrastructure needed to sustain life in Philistine Gaza, so hunger, dehydration, and disease will take their toll, and all who can’t leave will face slow death.
Even official Israeli military sources must come clean once in a while and admit that Gazans are unarmed and have no 21st-century means of defending themselves from attack, and they have even less offensive capability. It is time our national media tells the truth at least as much as Haaretz and the Jerusalem Post. And if American Christians do not oppose the extermination of the Philistines, why would we expect Israelis to rein in Netanyahu?
The Gaza Genocide will not be stopped by the US Congress nor the mainline media, both of which support the Israeli lobby. The Military-Industrial-Banking Complex that profits from war will hardly use its lobby to stop genocide, and the President will slip out of office without preventing it.
However, America’s 350,000 religious congregations have both the reason to care about the Philistines and the ability to know the truth about Gaza through countless mission operations in the Middle East and the Holy Land. Christ Followers have reason to know or they can find out. The movement to save the Philistines is growing. Christ’s Followers say they are committed to opposing evil acts and are commanded to love their brothers and to be peacemakers. There are no exceptions in Jesus’ words. Followers of Christ have no moral excuse not to act. May they take their responsibility before God
“My Outline for a Solution for Gaza,” Moshe Feiglin, Manhigut Yehudit, 7/15/2014:
“Mothers of all Palestinians must be killed: Israeli MP” [Ayelet Shaked], Occupied Palestine, 7/16/2014:
“Israel’s Ongoing Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza,” Chuck Carlson, WHTT:
To hear an updated discussion on this article listen to Chuck’s podcast:
i like this guy he seems sincere to the pansitelian hardship. . .and i would be totally be on israel’s side except Israel and its people seem to overlook the fact that they are occupying Palestine. . .I mean isnt it only natural for the people of the land to fight back their transgressors. . . Think of any occupied territory throughout the ages of time. . .the british in india, the nazis in europe. . . .etc I mean how can israel expect there not to be a conflict if they wont leave?
[…] WHTT: Gaza, A Culture of Children vs Israel, A Society of Death by Chuck Carlson. […]