Media Blackout Favors Israel’s Bloody Hands Over Those On Flotilla III
A near total media blackout shrouds the gallant and physically dangerous efforts of those onboard a covey of small ships sailing in international waters toward Gaza. This Freedom Flotilla III, thought to include five or more ships, had its beginning in Sweden on May 10, on board the Sweden registered, Marianne of Gothenburg, led by Ship to Gaza Sweden Chairperson, Mikael Karlsson. A helpful account of the venture is found in People’s voice.
The Israeli government has called the Freedom Flotilla III a ‘provocation.’
Ship to Gaza Sweden announced: “Marianne of Gothenburg will leave her home port at 7 pm on the 10 of May. The trawler, which has been acquired by Ship to Gaza Sweden and Ship to Gaza Norway jointly, departs for a voyage of almost 5000 nautical miles to eastern Mediterranean and the blockaded Gaza Strip.
Marianne will join other ships and together they will form the “Freedom Flotilla III” in order to perform a peaceful, nonviolent action to break the illegal and inhumane blockade of the Gaza Strip.
In passing Marianne will call at European ports for manifestations against the blockade. The First three ports will be Helsingborg, Malmö and Copenhagen. The subsequent ports will be announced in press releases.”
Freedom Flotilla III, is now scheduled to land in Gaza in days, and is somewhere in the Mediterranean. The covey of small ships may be the first in nine years or more to dock at the ancient, deserted, quarter-mile long, dirt and rock pier that juts into the sea from the sandy beach of Gaza City. Like the Gaza City airport, and the roads in and out of Gaza, it lies deserted, blocked by Israel military.
But to get there, Freedom Flotilla III must first face the Israeli military in the open sea. It is sobering to recall this same IDF coldly and deliberately killed over 2000 Gazans, including 500 children only a year ago in what it called “Operation Protective Edge”. Freedom Flotilla I, met with Israeli violence in the dark in May, 2010. Nine on board were murdered, and all passengers were captured and detained in Israel. The blockade breakers are challenging Israel’s right to imprison and starve Gazans, and to kill, or detain those trying to enter Gaza with Humanitarian Aid.
The near total press blackout of Freedom Flotilla III renders it that much more vulnerable, and makes it more likely that Israel may again try violence against crews and passengers. The International media has been ignoring Freedom Flotilla III, and it will have blood on its hands if anything happens to anyone board. Yahoo News is the only major media source I have found who has any mention of the Flotilla III. Others should be asked why they are silent!
Life sustaining supplies for the malnourished Gaza Philistines are crammed on board the several small ships. Among the passengers are writers and activists from Sweden, Norway, Italy, Greece, Canada, South Africa, and more. Public servants include Former Turkey President, Moncef Marzouki. A member of Israel’s Knesset, Basel Ghattas, announced he plans to join it in Greece, in spite of threats and outraged responses from his Knesset colleagues. It may be significant that the Norway’s Foreign Minister, Borge Brende, visited and was admitted to Gaza last September. The noose of knowledge is tightening around Israel’s guilty neck…too many know too much!
Our prayers and our voices are with this brave mission, and we trust they will sail in Daylight, for only Israel profits from the dark. Shame on ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, FOX News and PBS!
Chuck Carlson
“Outrage in Israel as Arab MP says to Join Gaza Flotilla,” Yahoo, 6/22/2015:;_ylt=A0SO8zbuF4hVkbwA.kpXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzb3NtaGwzBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVklQNTc3XzEEc2VjA3Nj
“Freedom Flotilla III Headed for Gaza,”, 5/19/2105:
“Flotilla Boat Sets Out In Bid To Break Gaza Blockade,” Forward, 6/21/2015:
Norway’s FM first foreign leader to visit Gaza since war’s end,” The Jerusalem Post, 9/8/2014:
“Latest Flotilla Leaves Sweden for Gaza, Will Attempt to ‘Break Israel’s Blockade’,”, 6/15/2015
[…] Posted by Charles E Carlson June 26, 2015 […]