Update: 2023 – 2024 – During Israel’s war on Gaza since October 7, 2023 over 16,000 Palestinian children have been murdered, Franklin Graham’s support for Israel is unwavering. On November 11, 2023, this 1 minute 28-second video captured him praising and prostrating before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Our question to our fellow evangelical Christians is “Why have you been silent for the most part on the carnage in Gaza? Are you held captive by Christian Zionist theology that prevents you from praying for peace and a ceseasfire in Gaza?” The deception is widespread. Netanyahus’ July 24, 2024 speech before the US Congress is proof of this deception when he garnered 58 standing ovations.
Post published in 2019:
Millions of “zionized” Christians have been jumping for joy with the moving of the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Among them is Franklin Graham, son of deceased evangelist, Billy Graham. Evidence that Franklin Graham is a genuine, “zionized” Christian should be intuitively obvious to the casual observer in these two articles: “Franklin Graham links return of Christ to opening of US embassy in Jerusalem” and “Franklin Graham Speaks at Israeli Embassy.”

Franklin Graham is a “Zionised” Christian
Friends of We Hold These Truths in Fresno, CA greet attendees to Franklin Graham’s “Decision America California Tour.”
Franklin Graham has conducted a “Decision America California Tour.”Friends of We Hold These Truths, in Fresno, CA conducted a vigil at the event with remarkable results. In this 15-minute zinger of a program, we learn from Kitty Jacobs that the Graham tour has been meeting with opposition at other stops. One of Kitty’s signs asks, “Is Jesus or the State of Israel the Fulfillment of Prophecy? Choose!”
[…] Source: WHTT […]
Jesus is not returning to the old Jerusalem. The false messiah plans to reign from Jerusalem. 2 Thes: 2-4. Jesus is bringing in a new Jerusalem from heaven. Christians need to read the book of Revelation. The state of Israel is a counterfeit of the true Israel of the bible. Franklin Graham and Hagee are false prophets.
The word “Israel” is Phoenician/Assyrian for Saturn. Saturn was a god of sowing, plant growth, and the earth. To bless Israel is to bless the planet we live and has nothing to do with a particular group or person.
The word “Israel” is Phoenician/Assyrian for Saturn. Saturn was a god of sowing, plant growth, and the earth. To bless Israel is to bless the planet we live and has nothing to do with a particular group or person.
I agree with Hudson’s comments, and I would add that Matthew 24:21-51, gives the signs of Christ’s coming and the wisdom of watching. As Christians we need to be more mindful of this warning, and be more concerned for the spiritual welfare of our family and friends. My feeling is that our churches have become wishy washy.
From Hudson: “The state of Israel is a counterfeit of the true Israel of the bible. Franklin Graham and Hagee are false prophets.”
And the “Star of David” (NEVER existed) is the star of Chiun, Amos 5:26 and the star of Remphan, Acts 7:43. It is satanic as is the State of Israel! My research and that of many others leads me to believe it is the Mark of the Beast.
Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 ed.: “Edom is modern jewry”. Jewish Almanac, 1933 ed,: We are Edomites!”. Jewish Almanac, 1980 ed,: “Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call a contemporary jew an Israelite or a Hebrew!”
Harold Wallace Rosenthal, aide to zionist Jacob Javits, stated in 1976: “our god is Lucifer!”.
Excellent pod cast! I too find the problem with Christian Zionist (CZs) is that they do not understand how the promised Restoration of Israel was fulfilled through Jesus’ Spirit and His Bride the New Jerusalem. Rather, they are still looking for a restoration for the old Jerusalem / Israel according to the flesh. Through this fallacy, these Christians have actually joined with the Israel of the flesh in their heart and thus have taken on their mentality. For any CZs reading this, here is a brief summary of how Israel was and is already being restored through Jesus:
Israel sinned and became hopelessly broken. The 12 Tribe had become divided, and then 9 of the tribes were kicked out of the Promised Land and lost amongst the Gentiles. Only the 3 Tribes of Judah (Judah, Benjamin and Levi) / the Jews remained. But the prophets foretold of a great Restoration for ALL Israel (All 12 Tribes). This Restoration would come through a Savior King who would give Israel a “New Spirit” which would make them Holy of heart. That New Spirit would also cause the descendants of the lost Tribes to come out from amongst the nations where they had become Gentiles “not My people” (Hosea 1:8) and to reunite with Judah /the Jews (Ezek 37). Together, these Spirit filled Jews and Gentiles fulfilled the “Restoration David’s Fallen Tent” according to Acts 15:15…a prophecy that could only be fulfilled by the return of the lost Tribes and their reunification with Judah. Now ALL Israel was being saved. And when the full number of Gentiles have come in…then ALL Israel (ALL 12 TRIBES) will be saved (Rom 11:25). The unbelieving Jews have been “cut off” from the Restored Israel. But they may come in at anytime, “if they simply do not persist in their unbelief.” (Rom 11: 23). So Israel has been and is being restored through Jesus’ Holy Spirit and the Spirit filled Jews and Gentiles, who make up ALL 12 Tribes. These restored Israelite will keep the Fulfilled Law (the Law as Jesus fulfilled it) Spiritually within their hearts wherein Jesus is the Passover Lamb, Sin offering, Sabbath, etc… They will keep the social Laws by obeying Jesus only Command, to Love others as He Loved them.
In Galatians, the Apostle Paul made it clear that there are now TWO Israels, the Israel according to the flesh and the Israel according to the Spirit. In Chapter 4, Paul used an allegory of two mothers representing two cities (the old Jerusalem and the New Jerusalem). He told the Galatians that they were children of one or the other according to their actions. He warned that if they chose to join with the old Jerusalem that they would loose their place in the New Jerusalem as they would be “cut off from Christ and fall from Grace”. (Gal 5:4).
In the Book of Revelation John used the same allegory. Two Mothers as two Cities: one a Harlot (unfaithful X-wife) and the other the New Bride. One the old Jerusalem where Christ was crucified (Rev 11:8) and the other the New Jerusalem (Rev 21). Christians today still get to choose which city we will be children of according to our actions.
Finally, the Jerusalem of the flesh is indeed fulfilling prophecy. But not the Restoration as that has already been fulfilled. Rather, although she believes she is still God’s Queen (Rev 18:7) she is actually a widow in that she murdered her husband. Although she has become powerful and now rides / rules the Beast (Empire) through the money, the only prophecy she will be fulfilling is the destruction of the Great Harlot (Rev 11-18). Have you become a child of the old Jerusalem in your heart? If so there is still time as God warns “…come out of her My people lest you partake of her plagues…” (Rev 18:4).