(Original August 8, 2006)
The evangelical church’s stated reason for supporting the US serial attacks on Islamic nations is “Muslim militancy.”  The Christian Right’s leaders have managed to read far enough into a Qur’an to find passages about conflict with other tribes in the 7th Century when the book was scribed.  One evangelical pastor put is this way in a recent conversation with your author:
“I respect Islamic scholars and I respect many of them for their life style, but there is no way of getting away from the Militancy of Islam.   It is built upon conversion by conquest.”
The more aggressive Celebrity Christians now use the term “islamo-fascist” a new favorite fad term at the “Christians United for Israel” first “Washington-Israel Summit” as Dan Jennejohn reported:
The evangelical church’s stated reason for supporting the US serial attacks on Islamic nations is “Muslim militancy.”  The Christian Right’s leaders have managed to read far enough into a Qur’an to find passages about conflict with other tribes in the 7th Century when the book was scribed.  One evangelical pastor put is this way in a recent conversation with your author: “I respect Islamic scholars and I respect many of them for their life style, but there is no way of getting away from the Militancy of Islam.   It is built upon conversion by conquest.”

The more aggressive Celebrity Christians now use the term “islamo-fascist” a new favorite fad term at the “Christians United for Israel” first “Washington-Israel Summit” as Dan Jennejohn reported: “Amidst plenty of the celebratory song and dance usually associated with evangelical meetings and a three-course meal was served to over 2,000 attendees, a series of prominent religious and political speakers got up to promise unquestioning support for the state of Israel. ”They often suggest, if not assert outright, that the same militancy we hear about in the Middle East is planned by the Mosque down the street. Similar thinking is found in my private mailbox sent by well-meaning friends who are themselves Judeo, or dispensational “Christians.” No evangelical I have ever met admits that he is at open war against Islam, it is always Islam who is the aggressor, and he is acting out of enlightened self-defense.

Pat Robertson told his “700 Club” audience Wednesday that he traveled to northern Israel in a show of support for the Jewish state. In a show last week Robertson gleefully stated “he had been waiting for decades for this (wars)” But he later he retracted his end times bloody prophesy and denied that the war signified the Armageddon that some Christians believe will precede the Second Coming of Jesus.
It is true that Muslims are dying every day in battle and they are taking enemies with them at the rate of one adversary for every five to ten Muslims, depending on the theater of conflict.  But the issue that is never discussed is who owns the battlefield.
In every modern case the battle is being fought on Muslim turf. Muslims were invaded first, not the other way around.  Gaza, the West Bank, Iraq, Lebanon, Chechnya, Bosnia, Kosovo are a few good examples of Muslim holy wars where they were invaded, and every battle has been fought entirely on Muslim territory.  Exceptions are guerrilla activities, which we will list later less we be accused of ignoring the exceptions.
The World Trade Center is offered as an exception to the rule, but it is falling increasingly under question as history plays out the facts that have been denied to us. Roughly half of American now suspect that government had some roll in day 911 tragedy. Eventually, when it no longer matters, we will learn that acts by our government precipitated the WTC bombing, or at the very least some knew about in advance and carefully neglected its prevention.  But for now we will call it an exception, it did happen on US land, but it is the exception that proves the rule; wars are fought on Muslim turf.
While I agree there are plenty of words in the Qur’an that pertain to both offensive and defensive warfare, we do not judge others for their tactics of the distant past, else Jews and “Christians” would both have a lot to explain.  What about the Hebrew slaughters of the Old Testament; the Crusades of the Catholic Church starting in the 11th Century and running for over two hundred years; what about the inquisitions of the 1400’s; what about protestant reformer John Calvin treatment of his adversary; how do we followers of Christ explain the Salem witch hunts; where were our churches during the slave heyday right after our Constitution was ratified?  Is there really anything in the history of Islam that is worse than events about those who claimed to be “Christians” in the past?
But worse than any of these recorded “Christian” brutality in ancient history is the modern record of the bloody handed warmongering by the Christian Right in our the last decade of the 20th Century and the beginning of the new age when the Crusades against Islam came to life under “Christian” support.  Those who are always throwing rocks at “militant Muslims” are forcing the serial wars against Muslims as surely as Pope Urban II forced the Crusades upon France.
Worse yet the evangelical church does not even fight its own battles, it watches as its government pays mercenaries to do it for them!  At least the Crusaders took their own horses, wagon and swords to Jerusalem to fight infidels so “Jesus could return.”  Today’s Christian Right leaders expect the rest of us taxpayers to hire mercenary armies of Israelis and our own all paid military to kill Muslims for them.
 “Christian” leaders like Pat Robertson amass huge fortunes and from politically favored NGO’s (non-government organizations) to dip into the taxpayers’ contributions when reconstruction time comes to Iraq and Palestine and Afghanistan.  We pay for Pat’s share of our mercenary armies, while he and John Hagee enjoy tax-exempt status at almost every level.  We pay for the rockets and missiles that they campaign for on tax-exempt TV and radio broadcasts.
At least the Muslims fight and die in their own wars on their own lands.  For instance, Muslim Iraq, which is very poor indeed, has pledged 60 million dollars of its diminished oil revenue to support Hezbollah in Lebanon. If Iraq gives the money, it is Muslims sacrificing for Muslims, with a minority of non-Muslims who can scarcely object.
Conversely, the American Congress, under heavy lobbying pressure from the “Christian Right” and the Jewish AIPAC pledged $2400 million (2.4 billion dollars) in military aid annually to Israel which funds are used to destroy Lebanon and Gaza.  According to the polls about 85% of Americans still think they are in some way “Christians” but the leaders of the churches who do the lobbying for war are virtually 100% exempt from payment of property and income taxes, state and federal, so Celebrity Christian leaders do not even personally participate (as the rest of us do) in the cost of the wars they enable.  We American non tax-exempt taxpayers pay for the chosen wars of the Christian Right, fought on Muslim soil.
And after we have destroyed Lebanon, Gaza, Iraq, and Afghanistan, we taxpayers are to pay for rebuilding (at least a few band-aids and condolences) for the living.  But “Christian” NGO’S, like Pat Robertson’s, will stand in line for the contracts to hand out the food and bandages to the Muslims still lucky enough to be alive.
Conversion of the hungry and orphans, by offering food with prayers attached, is no different than conversion by the sword, which “Christians” accuse Islam of doing.”
The rule we must not forget
What makes some “Christians” so bloodthirsty toward Muslims?  We Hold These Truths has unveiled this mystery and the answer and it is inescapably simple and totally consistent; those who favor war on Islam do it not for Muslim oil and their Muslim owned land, as we are often told, but for religion.  They all, without exception, teach this biblical apostasy: “Israel is the fulfillment of Biblical prophesy,”  – therefore, “Christians” feel they must support the prime enemy of Islam, Israel.  They learned this theology in the recent history of world Zionism; it is the theology fostered and promoted by Zionists and taught to evangelicals to controls them.
 The answer to unwinding this unholy alliance of Warmakers and warring churches is to ask every churchgoer a simple question; are you a follower of Christ or of “Christian?”  Christianity is a religion that has become associated with Christian-Zionism, an America invention.  Jesus would challenge it, as he challenged the Pharisees of his day.  Following Christ is a faith, not a religion, that does not allow room for hatred and killing…this makes it the most difficult of faiths.
New sign at Project Strait Gate:







Tom Brokaw: In God They Trust

Jeff Sharlet (Harpers, May 2009): Jesus Killed Mohammed:  The crusade for a Christian military

Christian Zionism’s Roots, slide show by Charles E. Carlson

God’s Terrible Law that Judeo-Christians Break  Carlson  Oct 14, 2006

The Sheep and the Goats. Part I  Carlson (Matthew 25)

The Sheep and the Goats, Part II  (Matthew 25