Charles E. Carlson
It is always more credible to be a builder of evidence than a maker of unsupported declarations. But time is far too short to prove everything we need to understand in our now faltering American empire, so we will offer some blunt statements that we find to be self-evident.  We hope you will agree and decide to join hands with us. . . or at least to learn more.
Our forefathers, in writing the Declaration of Independence, were also forced by a crisis in their time to draw some conclusions they did not have time or space to prove.  They called these unsupported claims “self evident” truths, meaning they are so obviously true that they do not need to be proved. Self-evident truths always contain an element of faith and cannot be proved.  Without a faith in God, the self-evident truths cited by our forefathers would be mere statements of opinion.  The reason their Declaration was and still is accepted by most who read it is because they have believed, as we do, that God, not man, is in charge.
One such truth is that God created each of us “equal.”
[Unfortunately, the remainder of this post was truncated when it was migrated to the new website.]