Establishment Attack By CFR's Elliott Abrams Belittles, Threatens Lutherans
It was no surprise to see attacks by Zionist supporters of Israel against the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) after two pro-Palestinian resolutions were passed at their recent convention (for background information, listen to our podcast, “ELCA Lutherans Palestinian Peace Not Walls Campaign-Major Breakthrough“). In this podcast we discuss the significance of the recent attack on the ECLA by Council on Foreign Affairs’ Elliott Abrams, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies in an article by him, entitled “The Lutheran Church Attacks Israel, Again.” The Council on Foreign Relations is an elite “club” of powerful movers and shakers in Government and Corporate spheres (check out for yourself on the “CFR’s Membership Roster“) that are considered to constitute the “American Establishment.” [23 minutes] Ref. WHTT article, “CFR’s Elliott Abrams Threatens, Belittles Lutheran Church“]
The resolutions of the association of churches against the Zionism of both Israel and the American Conventions are interesting and encouraging reactions to the world events.
First , they discriminate between the Old Testament and Christion covenant. Many churches , United Methodist, Evangelical Presbyterian and Southern Baptists and so called independents have married themselves to Israel. They are born again and delight themselves with vicarious experience as Old Testament Israelis amongst a sea of hostile Philistines, Aramaean , Elamites , Babylonians and Assyrians . It is their god’s will that Israel prevail and destroy all other people in Mid East. To oppose Israel is to oppose their god. John Hagee is not the only one whose thirst for blood and retribution for anyone who dares to breath air and ask for water unless purchases from a Jewish merchant at 10$ gallon.
Abrahms does not exaggerate with his disparagement of the Lutheran Church or any other one time Christ professing church. His inherent and invidious contempt is revealed is not new and is for Christ Jesus not the church alone. It is a proclamation of victory of Israel over Christ Jesus.
But it is not restricted to the so called “Holy Land” but is as pervasive as Europe and America. Zionism intends to destroy all enemies of Israel. The 5O1 C churches are emasculated and without testimony. CFR and many other NGOs supported by “Americans” is a further device of Israel to inflict more pain with insult than by their traditional asian tortures that have also been adopted and praised by American churches.
Foreign wars are an American tradition and religion. But these war may be soon brought to the states that were once bonded into a Republic and the same people be as alien and condemned as the mid-east.
The resolutions of the association of churches against the Zionism of both Israel and the American Conventions are interesting and encouraging reactions to the world events.
First , they discriminate between the Old Testament and Christion covenant. Many churches , United Methodist, Evangelical Presbyterian and Southern Baptists and so called independents have married themselves to Israel. They are born again and delight themselves with vicarious experience as Old Testament Israelis amongst a sea of hostile Philistines, Aramaean , Elamites , Babylonians and Assyrians . It is their god’s will that Israel prevail and destroy all other people in Mid East. To oppose Israel is to oppose their god. John Hagee is not the only one whose thirst for blood and retribution for anyone who dares to breath air and ask for water unless purchases from a Jewish merchant at 10$ gallon.
Abrahms does not exaggerate with his disparagement of the Lutheran Church or any other one time Christ professing church. His inherent and invidious contempt is revealed is not new and is for Christ Jesus not the church alone. It is a proclamation of victory of Israel over Christ Jesus.
But it is not restricted to the so called “Holy Land” but is as pervasive as Europe and America. Zionism intends to destroy all enemies of Israel. The 5O1 C churches are emasculated and without testimony. CFR and many other NGOs supported by “Americans” is a further device of Israel to inflict more pain with insult than by their traditional asian tortures that have also been adopted and praised by American churches.
Foreign wars are an American tradition and religion. But these war may be soon brought to the states that were once bonded into a Republic and the same people be as alien and condemned as the mid-east.