WHTT volunteers as Altar Conference: Where Heaven Meets Earth, described as “a weekend of dynamic worship and powerful teaching, provoking believers of all backgrounds into a lifestyle of radical pursuit and relentless devotion to Christ.”

Thousands of Christians attended the event and were greeted at three entrance points by members of the WHTT team led by David Jacobs and Craig Hanson. Because the “Free Speech” areas were very close to the lines for the security check points at the entrances, everyone got to see one or more of our signs. Craig and Dave reflect on some very interesting encounters they had with conference attendees.  (Listen to: “Confessions of a Former Christian Zionist“). Handout mentioned in the podcast: “Does the Bible Require Followers of Jesus to Support the Jewish State of Israel? – Be A Berean: Acts 17:11, Do Your Own Research.”

David Jacobs (rt.) discusses the WHTT handout with an attendee to the Altar Conference.