Editor’s note:
SON TO MOTHER: why are people killing our friends, mom?
MOTHER TO SON: because they are our friends, son.
SON TO MOTHER: will we ever run out of friends, mom?

On November 19th, President George Walker Bush was forced to cancel his scheduled speech before the British parliament, not because of fear of terrorist, but for fear of questions from our best ally’s Parliament,

Anti-war demonstrators filled London streets protesting his visit,

And the next night, while our President was presumable sleeping in Buckingham Palace, the British Embassy in Istanbul was blown up killing Roger Straw, the UK‘s Counseled General, and wounding hundreds.  An intelligent (human) bomb is suspected.  Two offices of a British bank were also hit the same night.

In England, some people blame the deaths on President Bush’s visit to London. 

Something must be done.  If you were in charge, what would you do?

A.  Draft soldiers and ship them to Istanbul?

B.  Find an Intelligent Bomb who is still alive and ask him his motives?

C.  Drop the big one?

Michael Shoen, reflects upon a different life in Germany, let