September 26, 2011
Pastor George Morrison
Faith Bible Chapel
62nd Ave and Ward Road
Arvada, CO 80004

Dear Pastor Morrison:
Project Strait Gate has organized peace vigils on public right-of-ways outside many churches around the country.  We visited Faith Chapel several years ago, and we are again planning to visit your church on October 16, 2011, for your Annual Israel Awareness Day, where John Hagee is your announced guest speaker.
Our prayer is that you will examine your own position and make a Christ-like commitment in regard to the continued American slaughter in the Middle East, and the Israeli occupation of Palestine. We trust that you are concerned about the destruction of human life, but your guest for this program, John Hagee, is not. 
Israel\’s abuse of human life, both to its own unborn, and to its neighbors, the Palestinians, is no secret.  Anti-war demonstrations have turned to demonstrations for independence all over the world. Evangelical churches like yours and your members should be, but are not, the most peace-seeking persons on the globe.  They are not peacemakers because of your support for Israel, a nation at war with its neighbors for all of its existence, and the only country in the world that is openly imprisoning an entire population at gun point.  If you deny this is fact you have not visited Gaza, as has this writer.
A nationwide movement, Project Strait Gate, has initiated silent vigils at American churches with a message of peace and brotherly love, as taught by Jesus in a similar time of war and hatred. Jesus calls the leaders of His church to be “peacemakers.”  Churches like yours can not be a peacemaker church if you support the occupation of the Palestinian people, and wars that kill civilians in other countries. We have learned that Christian Zionism is a distorted departure from Christianity.  We have described it as an acquired mental disease, similar in some ways to Anorexia Nervosa, where those who have it not only break the hearts of others, but often destroy themselves. Your association with self-proclaimed Zionist John Hagee labels Faith Bible Chapel as infected with Christian Zionism.
Your mission statement states you believe, “the Bible is true in every way.”  But Jesus is believed by Christ Followers to have said, For as much as you have done it (both kindness and evil) to the least of my brothers you have done it unto me.  Your guest John Hagee has said many times the USA should bomb Iran, and that the Palestinians have no right to the land they live in.  We invite you to show us where Jesus ever made even one statement that allowed a Christian to approve or participate in taking the life of an Iraqi, Afghani or Palestinian, and most especially the lives of women and children. 
Jesus’ words dictate the need for Project Strait Gate. I am personally available to you with a detailed biblical explanation of why “Evangelical Christian Right” leaders should not support serial wars, including Israel\’s ongoing occupation of the land of the Philistines, and why your followers should not be among these.  I would be pleased to discuss with you the question. “Is political Israel the fulfillment of Biblical Prophesy?” If you would like a presentation for your staff, Sunday school, youth group, etc., please contact me. 
Toward the Strait Gate,
Charles E. Carlson 
May 20, 2007 Vigil at Faith Chapel (