Praise Him Ministries
120 Redcliffe Drive
Ridgeway CO 81432
Dear Miss Victoria Hearst, I am aware that your organization will be hosting “A Night For Israel” event, in association with Christians United for Israel, on November 21st. I have reason to believe you are sincere in your mission statement, that honors Jesus and makes Him the center of your purpose, as am I.Some of those you are inviting to your November 21st program have an agenda far from yours, that is assuming I understand you correctly. Our organization, We Hold These Truths, has attended and recorded several Christians United For Israel meetings, and none of them honor Our Lord. In fact, Jesus is all but left out of every such program we have attended. Will Jesus be included and his gospel message declared in your Night for Israel? I believe you are being used for a purpose that Jesus would, and will, decry as warring and hate filled. Please free yourself from it, lest you are responsible to Him.
Victoria Hearst, granddaughter of newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst, formed Praise Him Ministries in 2001.
I live in Denver area and would be willing to drive to Ridgeway to meet with you, if you would be willing to talk with me. Please understand, I am a former Baptist deacon, who saw Israel in the act of killing Gazan Philistines 13 years ago, and it has changed my life, as something has changed your life. I can show you films I personally photographed there. Victoria Hearst, you must know inside, that Israel murders unarmed Philistines every week, some weeks they have killed hundreds. Do you not believe Jesus abhors this? Can you tell me that our Christ does not demand peace from us, his followers? Of course, you know.
Israel has never stopped calling for war on Iran, and Pastor Hagee has been recorded proudly praying for war, in case you did not know this. There is a Christ (not Israel) honoring solution to the squeeze you have put yourself in, between secular Israel and your God. If you would be willing to talk with me I will explain it.
Miss Hearst, Christian Zionism does NOT look like Jesus, as it is not a Christian doctrine. We are called to be Peace Makers, not supporters of any secular state. The first century Judeans (Greek “Iondaion”), who Jesus called the “lost sheep from the house of Israel”, were looking for a Messiah to set up an earthly kingdom and free them from the Romans – and they were WRONG…Jesus stated very plainly that His kingdom was NOT of this world. Those Judeans who received His message, believed in Him, and trusted Him became the first Church. The promise of blessing to Abraham was fulfilled in Jesus — NOT an ethnicity – (Gal.3:16). Romans 9:6 makes it very plain when the apostle Paul states: “For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel,” but only those who put their faith in Jesus – the true Israel. We are grafted into that vine by the saving work of Jesus; the same way that people have always come to God – by faith. No doubt you believe this, may we talk?
CUFI does not present the saving gospel message of Jesus and therefore can’t really be called a “Christian” ministry – rarely is the name of Jesus even mentioned in their meetings. You will find no New Testament scriptures supporting the agenda of CUFI, and the ones that they extract from the Old Testament are taken out of context or misapplied. I cannot speak about your mentor, Miss Billye, for I do not know her, but she cannot object to what is fair and honorable. Jesus never deceived, and neither may you.
At We Hold These Truths, we are Pro-Jesus, pro-peace, and pro-life. We are firmly against fighting offensive foreign wars for the secular state of Israel, or any other state. Please avail yourself of the resources about Christian Zionism on our website and watch our award winning movie, Christian Zionism – The Tragedy and The Turning Part 1.
Christian Zionism is a terrible, non-theology, political movement that is indirectly supporting the killing of millions of people around the world today, and is a cause of the millions of war refugees we watch on our TV. Followers of Jesus should have no part in that destruction. You will only dishonor Jesus by continuing to support it. Even now, you can correct this mistake by allowing balance on this program, and I will help you.
For Christ and His Kingdom,
Charles E Carlson, CO
We Hold These Truths
Co-founder and Colorado Vigil Leader
602 741 4650 cell
Excellent letter