Central Banks devalue and re-value their currencies all the time through the practice of buying or selling (in the USA) US bonds, notes and bills. The US Central Bank is called The Federal Reserve (The FED). The International Monetary Fund (IMF) might be regarded as super central bank that seems to be an extension of the two central banks who won W War II, the US FED and UK’s Bank of England. The unfortunate rule of central banking is that the winners of war own the central banks and the losers are looted. The US FED is privately owned and controlled through several major banks, and it has been thus since 1913. This mean our vote has no influence whatsoever over our nations monetary (debt) policy.

In contrast, The Chinese central bank, called the People’s Bank, seems to be owned by the state and appears to be controlled by the politicians who control the state, rather than the biggest bank moguls as in the USA and UK. This also means the votes of citizens (if they have a vote) has no influence over monetary (debt) policy. Chinese policy seems to be coordinated in the hands of political leaders, and is less likely to be controlled by private bankers. As I see it, public ownership by the communist party, as in China and Russia might be a better choice, if we had a choice.
Which evil is worse… to have control the money system that underlies your every financial move in the hands of Lloyd Blankfein, the billionaire current president of Goldman Sachs, and J P Morgan Chase president Jamie Dimon, or the China system where the central bank is run, as best we know, by the party apparatus that controls and appoints the political leaders whose names we often forget? The same is probably true in Russia, where Vladimir Putin probably dictates the policy of the Bank of Russia while he is in command, or as the religious leader in Iran control its central bank.
To sum it up, we Americans are caught in a financial mess because most of our future is tied to our Dollar. Each banker mentioned has had his hands slapped for fraud in office, and each giant bank that owns the FED, from Wells Fargo to Morgan Chase, took $ billions in bail out money from the treasury less than a decade ago, ripping off every one who depends on the stability of our savings.
China is devaluing to prop up its exports…that’s how devaluation works, at least for a while. It is oh so simple, but if every country did it together it would have no real impact, but to make prices go higher.
One almost unnoticed beneficiary of the China financial carnage in the last few days is gold and silver, which have finally started to slowly rise in price. Why, because these cannot be printed. – Charles E Carlson
By this author about the eventual impact from the sale of US bonds: