While the President was inside with Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld being briefed on what he would say in his Friday night press release, the mother of a dead serviceman, Cindy Sheehan, stood outside in a ditch waiting for the President to meet with her. She is still waiting two weeks later.


We Hold These Truths recorded a wonderful tape interview with Cindy Sheehan and Dr. Mike Holland that reveals her depth of understanding of the big war picture.  Sheehan’s comments on the churches, “Neo-Cons,” and the “contractors” confirm why she is so determined.


Our bookstore has the tape called GOLD STAR FAMILIES FOR PEACE By Cindy Sheehan with Dr. Mike Holland.  She says “Don’t Let Your Sons Fall Into The Hands Of The Recruiters”


The heartbroken mother of killed Army Specialist Casey Sheehan tells her story with clarity and conviction. This is a tape every parent, youth and teenager should hear. She speaks much about her son and how he was recruited, and about the Neo-cons “Project for the New American Century” as a source of the war. Its far more far-reaching than the Bush plan. Charles E. Carlson, reading his related article, PAT TILLMAN, A WAR HERO, introduces Sheehan’s interview. 1 Hour tape: $6.00. See below:


Support for the President begins to cave

The Washington Post story on Saturday tells us the Administrations spokesmen now admit they was unrealistic about invading Iraq, “lowering its sights on what can be accomplished in Iraq.” The Washington Post story tells the truth about the terrible conditions in Iraq, but that is where most of the truth telling ends.


We are supposed to believe the administration made honest but misguided miscalculations. Their plans, they say, were well intended but went astray. Significantly, the Administration did not admit they misled us about their objectives. We are still supposed to believe Americans were sent there to rescue the Iraqi people from bad leadership…to install “democracy,” to quell the threat of terrorism, and to find WMDs that did not exist. The article contains one small Administration hint that Iraq is not ready to manage its own oil, so we suppose the Warmakers will have to continue to do that.


However, the Project for the New American Century, led by so-called “Neo-cons” (who we call the Warmakers), including Israel first Zionists Paul Wolfowitz and Bill Kristo While the President was inside with Condoleezza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld being briefed on what he would say in his Friday night press release, the mother of a dead serviceman, Cindy Sheehan, stood outside in a ditch waiting for the President to meet with her. She is still waiting two weeks later.


We Hold These Truths recorded a wonderful tape interview with Cindy Sheehan and Dr. Mike Holland that reveals her depth of understanding of the big war picture.  Sheehan’s comments on the churches, “Neo-Cons,” and the “contractors” confirm why she is so determined.


Our bookstore has the tape called GOLD STAR FAMILIES FOR PEACE By Cindy Sheehan with Dr. Mike Holland.  She says “Don’t Let Your Sons Fall Into The Hands Of The Recruiters”


The heartbroken mother of killed Army Specialist Casey Sheehan tells her story with clarity and conviction. This is a tape every parent, youth and teenager should hear. She speaks much about her son and how he was recruited, and about the Neo-cons “Project for the New American Century” as a source of the war. Its far more far-reaching than the Bush plan. Charles E. Carlson, reading his related article, PAT TILLMAN, A WAR HERO, introduces Sheehan’s interview. 1 Hour tape: $6.00. See below:


Support for the President begins to cave

The Washington Post story on Saturday tells us the Administrations spokesmen now admit they was unrealistic about invading Iraq, “lowering its sights on what can be accomplished in Iraq.” The Washington Post story tells the truth about the terrible conditions in Iraq, but that is where most of the truth telling ends.


We are supposed to believe the administration made honest but misguided miscalculations. Their plans, they say, were well intended but went astray. Significantly, the Administration did not admit they misled us about their objectives. We are still supposed to believe Americans were sent there to rescue the Iraqi people from bad leadership…to install “democracy,” to quell the threat of terrorism, and to find WMDs that did not exist. The article contains one small Administration hint that Iraq is not ready to manage its own oil, so we suppose the Warmakers will have to continue to do that.


However, the Project for the New American Century, led by so-called “Neo-cons” (who we call the Warmakers), including Israel first Zionists Paul Wolfowitz and Bill Kristol and others, previously publicized its war plan, and that has never changed. That plan shows that far from going badly, the attack on Iraq has worked out perfectly for its interests. It has always been to occupy the oil fields, to test America’s terrible new war weapons on live people, and to abandon the Iraqi people to the poverty and misery and civil war we have created for those who are still alive. The last step, disengagement, has just been announced.


Disengagement is essential, otherwise there may not be enough troops to invade the next Islamic target country. New military bases in Iraq will occupy the oil fields we have taken from the Iraqi people; why else would these permanent bases have been built? Iraq’s cities will presumably be left to fend for themselves. 


Meanwhile, the next war of conquest is planned on Iran, or some lesser targets like oil rich Sudan.  Americans have been conditioned to attack Sudan for almost 10 years.  We are supposed to be dumb enough to accept these self-destructive schemes one after another, war after war…and to grant forgiveness to our leaders if they will just be human enough to admit that Iraq was a “mistake.”


Oh yes, there is one adjustment on the horizon; George W. Bush and anyone who associates with him is already unelectable and must be replaced by a Warmaker Democrat.  Mr. Bush will be forced to take the blame for the loss of 1821 Americans and the unforgettable rise in gas prices at the pump that is well on the way to being the final straw in breaking our war weakened economy.


Diluted money is a by-product of war. The cost of filling a big pickup or giant SUV tank is now approaching $100.00 in some pricey markets. And the cost of everything else reflects the war tax, which, is dollar “dilution.”  There is nothing free in the Iraqi conflict, and someone will have to take the blame. The obvious candidate is G. W. Bush.  Dilution of our wealth is the legacy we are to leave for our children.  And a few, like Casey Sheehan, will die at war.


Who Should You Blame?

Do not blame Bush or any other politician no matter how guilty he is. Do not waste a minute playing the impeachment game, it never works: You only participate in the Warmakers snipe hunting game.  “Snipe hunting” is an old ruse where the butt of the joke is left standing in the dark, holding an open bag.  The Warmakers become safer by getting rid of Bush; they need him to be a bag holder too.  Don’t join him. 


Instead, we must blame the Christian-Zionists (by whatever name) who supported the Warmakers campaign against Iraq and elected Mr. Bush. God gave America a mechanism for staying out of war and out of other peoples business. It was once called “Christianity.”  Following Christ is a peace process by definition. It is the narrow path to the “strait gate” that churches is supposed to lead. Sadly, they have abandoned their most vital social job, being peacemakers.  In so doing, they ignored Christ’s example in the marketplace.


Cindy Sheehan’s vigil proved the point; how many big Texas churches are standing with her in the ditch in front of the Bush ranch? We have not heard of one pastor in the camp (I know there must be a few). The highway should be blocked with Baptist school busses heading for the Bush Ranch…but it will not be so. 


Cindy Sheehan told us very few “Christians” help.  I wish we could be with her camp-out in the misery of August in Texas.  But we have our own self- appointed job.  On August 26-27, Project Strait Gate will take our vigil to the Southern Baptist State Convention here in Phoenix, AZ.  If we want to end war we need to act like Christ did, go the temple and challenge those in charge. The Strait Gate leads to the church doors!


Go to the Church that Supports War

Do not go in even when you are invited.  Decline hospitality such as water reminding them how short water in in Baghdad, unless church leaders will promise to read your literature.  Set up your picket signs outside, inviting those inside to walk out and join you.  A few, especially the young, will.  And we promise this, everyone inside will get the message that you blame that church for what is happening in Crawford, Texas, and for the blood of Pat Tillman and Casey Sheehan.


When common sense Americans inside churches finally abandons the Christian-Zionists call for perpetual war on Islam, then the Warmakers will finally be without popular support for serial wars. Reform cannot start at the Bush ranch because Bush is on his way out!  It must start at the church, the only bastion of Warmaker support left in the world.


How do you know which church to challenge?  Ask the pastor “is the present day state of Israel is a fulfillment of biblical prophesy?”  If he says “yes” you have come to the right church.


Read or article, Why at church?” 




View the correct way to attend the Southern Baptist Convention


Witness a message to some 50 church including Reverend John MacArthur


Read the Washington Post article: Administration Is Shedding Unreality


You can buy Cindy Sheehans tape with a credit card at our new bookstore You may also make a much appreciated donation to Project Strait Gate there


Subscribe to PHARISEE WATCH every week free.

l and others, previously publicized its war plan, and that has never changed. That plan shows that far from going badly, the attack on Iraq has worked out perfectly for its interests. It has always been to occupy the oil fields, to test America’s terrible new war weapons on live people, and to abandon the Iraqi people to the poverty and misery and civil war we have created for those who are still alive. The last step, disengagement, has just been announced.


Disengagement is essential, otherwise there may not be enough troops to invade the next Islamic target country. New military bases in Iraq will occupy the oil fields we have taken from the Iraqi people, why else would these permanent bases have been built? Iraqs cities will presumably be left to fend for themselves. 


Meanwhile, the next war of conquest is planned on Iran, or some lesser targets like oil rich Sudan.  Americans have been conditioned to attack Sudan for almost 10 years.  We are supposed to be dumb enough to accept these self-destructive schemes one after another, war after war…and to grant forgiveness to our leaders if they will just be human enough to admit that Iraq was a “mistake.”


Oh yes, there is one adjustment on the horizon; George W. Bush and anyone who associates with him is already unelectable and must be replaced by a Warmaker Democrat.  Mr. Bush will be forced to take the blame for the loss of 1821 Americans and the unforgettable rise in gas prices at the pump that is well on the way to being the final straw in breaking our war weakened economy.


Diluted money is a by-product of war. The cost of filling a big pickup or giant SUV tank is now approaching $100.00 in some pricey markets. And the cost of everything else reflects the war tax, which, is dollar “dilution.”  There is nothing free in the Iraqi conflict, and someone will have to take the blame. The obvious candidate is G. W. Bush.  Dilution of our wealth is the legacy we are to leave for our children.  And a few, like Casey Sheehan, will die at war.


Who Should You Blame?

Do not blame Bush or any other politician no matter how guilty he is. Do not waste a minute playing the impeachment game, it never works: You only participate in the Warmakers snipe hunting game.  “Snipe hunting” is an old ruse where the butt of the joke is left standing in the dark, holding an open bag.  The Warmakers become safer by getting rid of Bush; they need him to be a bag holder too.  Don’t join him. 


Instead, we must blame the Christian-Zionists (by whatever name) who supported the Warmakers campaign against Iraq and elected Mr. Bush. God gave America a mechanism for staying out of war and out of other peoples business. It was once called “Christianity.”  Following Christ is a peace process by definition. It is the narrow path to the “strait gate” that churches are supposed to lead. Sadly, they have abandoned their most vital social job, being peacemakers.  In so doing, they ignored Christ’s example in the marketplace.


Cindy Sheehan’s vigil proved the point; how many big Texas churches are standing with her in the ditch in front of the Bush ranch? We have not heard of one pastor in the camp (I know there must be a few). The highway should be blocked with Baptist school busses heading for the Bush Ranch…but it will not be so. 


Cindy Sheehan told us very few “Christians” help.  I wish we could be with her camp-out in the misery of August in Texas.  But we have our own self- appointed job.  On August 26-27, Project Strait Gate will take our vigil to the Southern Baptist State Convention here in Phoenix, AZ.  If we want to end war we need to act like Christ did, go the temple and challenge those in charge. The Strait Gate leads to the church doors!


Go to the Church that Supports War

Do not go in even when you are invited.  Decline hospitality such as water reminding them how short water in in Baghdad, unless church leaders will promise to read your literature.  Set up your picket signs outside, inviting those inside to walk out and join you.  A few, especially the young, will.  And we promise this, everyone inside will get the message that you blame that church for what is happening in Crawford, Texas, and for the blood of Pat Tillman and Casey Sheehan.


When common sense Americans inside churches finally abandons the Christian-Zionists call for perpetual war on Islam, then the Warmakers will finally be without popular support for serial wars. Reform cannot start at the Bush ranch because Bush is on his way out!  It must start at the church, the only bastion of Warmaker support left in the world.


How do you know which church to challenge?  Ask the pastor “is the present day state of Israel is a fulfillment of biblical prophesy?”  If he says “yes” you have come to the right church.


Read or article, Why at church?” 




View the correct way to attend the Southern Baptist Convention


Witness a message to some 50 church including Reverend John MacArthur


Read the Washington Post article: Administration Is Shedding Unreality


You can buy Cindy Sheehan’s tape with a credit card at our new bookstore You may also make a much appreciated donation to Project Strait Gate there


Subscribe to PHARISEE WATCH every week free.